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Si4735 application note To the furthest extent that this is legally enforceable, the copyright remains with the authors listed above. 1 10628 (all band AM and FM + RDS/RBDS). 768KHz crystal (FC-135 20PPM) 1W audio amplifier (8R AF) Dimension 80x80mm with 4mm holes; Facebook Group: SI47XX para radioescutas – Portuguese The system communicates with a computer through the UART using a protocol created for this application. More information (schematic, sketch and documentation) on https://github. Scope This amendment document provides an overview of the programming requirements for a SSB and Instead of merely developing a basic receiver around the SI4735, I opted to create a comprehensive Arduino library that would fully support not only the SI4735 but the entire SI473X device family. com/pu2clr/SI4735 RDS/RBDS processor (Si4735) Optional digital audio out (Si4735) 2-wire and 3-wire control interface Integrated LDO regulator 2. SI4735: 3Mb / 302P: Si47XX PROGRAMMING GUIDE SI4735: 1Mb / 69P: Si47XX ANTENNA, SCHEMATIC, LAYOUT, AND DESIGN GUIDELINES SI4735: 2Mb / 68P: Si470X/1X/2X/3X/4X EVALUATION BOARD TEST PROCEDURE Si4735: 9Mb / 164P: Thank you for purchasing the Silicon Laboratories Si4735-D60: 88Kb / 1P: Datasheets supporting the products Si4704/05 SI4732-A10 and SI4735-G60 wire up. 0. Si4735 AM/SW/LW/FM Receiver with RDS 2 3x3 Si4736 AM/FM/WB Receiver 3x3 Notes: 1. Note: Digital in through J19 will not be supported on ne w EVBs as of February 14, 201 1. Use via holes as shown in “Suggested Layout for PCB Design” to reduce ground path inductance for best performance. THE CIRCUIT DESIGNS CREATED BY THE AUTHOR ARE NOT INTEND Si4732-A10 is considered as the most recent revision as D60, and the Si4735-D60 related descriptions in Appendix A and Appendix B also apply to Si4732-A10 if not specified. High Performance RDS is available in Si4705/31/35/85-D50 only. 5 5 Table 2. Note Replay allows me to record every audition and take notes. 00, API, I²C bus, control, car radio Additional testing information is available in Application Note AN388. Quick reference data 1. The EVB and associated software have been designed to speed up the overall development process. Download now and unleash your ideas on all platforms. It’s supposed to receive the HF bands from 160m to 10m (it This folder and subfolders have more than 60 examples that might help you to use the Si4735 Arduino Library in your project. Description: Automatic gain control. 0 3. com. All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm) unless otherwise noted. Cancel resources required to develop an application. C6 and C7 (0. I used a reclaimed ferrite loop from a discarded portable AM/FM radio as the required AM antenna. Overview Please refer to AN332 Rev 0. They will probably have programming examples. R. mysilabs. Absolute Maximum Ratings1,2 Parameter Symbol Value Unit Supply Voltage VDD –0. datasheet for technical specifications, dimensions and more at DigiKey. Worldwide FM band support (64­108 MHz) Worldwide AM band support (520­1710 kHz) SW band support (Si4734/35) Notes on the DSP radio chip (IC) used here: 1-The radio module used here was the PL102BA-S V2 (it has the IC Si4730-D60 QFN package). This library works with the I²C communication protocol and it is designed to apply a SSB extension PATCH to CI SI4735-D60. When I tap on any person’s name in my notes later, I can listen to that specific audition. In other words, while this library supports SSB patches, the patches themselves should not be considered a part of Additional testing information is available in Application Note AN388. Si4734/35-C40 Rev. This sketch runs on Lilygo T-Display S3 Also, it is important to note that there is another breakout board labeled “NE928 10A V01 The PU2CLR SI4735 Arduino Library works very well with “NE928 10A V01” (just AM/MW and FM) and “PL102BA-S V:2. Like most of the other notetaking apps, it comes with the usual tools (pens, highlighters, etc. I connected a color TFT screen and an 82C256 EEPROM linked to the I2C bus. SI573X: https://pu2clr. This library Notes: 1. 39µF) are ac coupling caps for transmitter audio input to VA/LIN/DFS pin 16 and GND/RIN/DOUT pin 15 (Si471x/2x analog audio input mode only). Hi Alex; The Si app note is showing it as meant to be connected to a higher impedance than your headphones (which are defined as 32 ohms standard now). Free delivery and returns on eligible orders. io/SI4735/ SI470X: https://pu2clr. 6 — 17 February 2015 User Manual Document information Info Content Keywords Lithio, TEF6686, TEF6687, TEF6688, TEF6689, /V102, firmware 2. General Description GVA-84+ (RoHS compliant) is a wideband amplifier offering high dynamic range. 01 will work only in AM/FM (not SW nor RDS). This sketch uses the Rotary Encoder Class implementation from Ben Buxton (the source code is included together The question about the app note was simply , its amazing how many people dont use the app notes. github. Worldwide FM band support (64­108 MHz) Worldwide AM band support (520­1710 kHz) SW band support (Si4734/35) TEF701X, SAF775X and SAF360X for optimal system application through common crystal oscillator sharing. See the example sketches to learn how to use the library in your code. 0 7 Table 5. 3 MHz, por favor cualquier ayuda te la gradecería View results and find SI4735 datasheets and circuit and application notes in pdf format. 5mA ; Features: RSSI Equipped ; Data Rate - Maximum: - ; Operating Temperature: -20°C ~ 85°C ; Package / Case: 20-UFQFN Exposed Pad ; Packaging: Features. Typical Design Guideline for TPS92633-Q1 Parallel Channels in High Current Application; PDF: 760: 24 Sep 2024 Achieving USB Type-C Power Delivery Using TPS56837HA; PDF: 847: 19 Sep 2024 Design Guide for Inverting Buck-Boost for OLED Panel Applications Using LM61495; PDF: 1641: 16 Sep 2024 [UPDATE #6] I have finally made my radio project public! For now you can download my pde file and the accompanying libraries (with exception to the Si4735 library which you can just grab the normal way) in my GitHub downloads section. S. 3. I’m driving an OLED screen in addition to controlling a radio chip (si4735) and storing data in an external eeprom. SI4735 Arduino Library and a simple FM and AM radio implementation; SI4735 ARDUINO LIBRARY BANDWIDTH TEST; Application Software Packs; Secure Provisioning SDK (SPSDK) Processor Expert Software; Cloud Lab Forums 2. The IC looks similar to Si4735, SFE has a few product based on SSB (Single Side Band) patch support (SI4735-D60 and SI4732-A10). 5M-1994. 0-7. Note-- I'm not educated in the world of electronics, but I do dabble in it often as a hobbyist. SI473X Library for Arduino. Re the eval board, you see my time is worth a few dollars per hour. Note that the RDS decoding functionality has moved to the RDSDecoder library. Be aware that the module maked as NE928-10A V. Scope This amendment document provides an overview of the programming requirements for a SSB and NBFM specific patches which add SSB/NBFM receiver capabilities to the Si4735-D60 parts. 4 VPK Notes: 1. I am using a micro-controller in order to It is to control a si4735 FM Tuner ! Thank you !!! Arduino Forum how to set a 3-wire SPI for si4735 control ? Projects. Si473x-B20 Rev. 6 — — µs SCLK Input to SDIO Setup (START) Hola Ricardo, saludos desde Cape Coral, Suroeste de la Florida . Has anyone used the Sparkfun Si4735 Breakout board and could explain with possible examples of how they got it to work?. Manufacturer: Silicon Laboratories. 5 V DIGITAL AUDIO (Si4735) DSP SCLK RFGND SEN AM / LW ANT Original SI4735 IC with 32. 3 3. 1. Introduction 1. Here are 10 of the best to consider, So I turned to the "successor" of the Si4735 chip which is called Si4684. io/SI470X/ SI4844: https://pu2clr. Lead finish is SnAgNi. In order to get the same It is important to note that the engineers and programmers at Silicon Labs did an excellent job by implementing all the internal resources in this IC family. 7MHz. Any Arduino sketch used for the SI4735 can be used for the SI4730-D60/”PL102BA-S V:2. The app comes with different plans. This popular note-taking app is ideal for use on Windows 10 and other operating systems, as well as the web and smart devices. /* * @mainpage SI47XX Arduino Library implementation * * This is a library for the SI4735, BROADCAST AM/FM/SW RADIO RECEIVER, IC from Silicon AI Chat with PDF Si4730/31/34/35-D60 B ROADCAST AM/FM/SW/LW R ADIO R ECEIVER Features Ordering Information: See page 31. 5 V supply voltage Wide range of ferrite loop sticks and air loop antennas supported 3 x 3 x 0. (Silicon Labs application note AN332) it looks like, depending on which command is used to read results, the radio sends responses either on SDIO (the same line) or GPO1 (making it a 4-wire interface). Download. The first three examples of this project These examples are useful to test your circuit board and help you understand the use of the Si4735 Arduino Lirary. I used a card integrating the SI4684 chip from AVIT Research. The Si5351 is used as a local oscillator to create IF frequency of 10. Product Family Function (Continued) Part General Description Number and have posted support articles, answers to frequently asked questions, and application notes at www. 3 V) on pin VDDA_RF 3. The most of the sketches has been developed to run on cross-plataform (ATmega328 AMENDMENT FOR SI4735-D60 SSB AND NBFM PATCHES 1. 9 V Input Current3 IIN 10 mA Input Voltage3 VIN –0. ), and they’re all arranged in a toolbar that can be moved around I have to decide the best voice for the role. AN332 Rev. Once again, the author disclaims any liability for any damage this procedure may cause to your SI4735 or other devices that you are using. Contribute to pu2clr/SI4735 development by creating an account on GitHub. — see STM application note AN2668 page 9! ”Improving STM32F101xx and STM32F103xx ADC resolution by oversampling”. AMENDMENT FOR SI4735-D60 SSB AND NBFM PATCHES 1. Information from the Si4735 data sheet and Silicon Labs' application note AN383 tells us that the minimum tuning capacitance across the IC's input terminals is 8pF. 8 Universal Programming Guide Chapter 2 for details. DRM includes DRM30 and DRM+ (band and ) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Supply voltage VDDA(RF)(3V3) RF analog supply voltage (3. Table 1 describes all of the available products and features in the Si47xx family. cpp from FSKTM RM at University of Malaya. Applicable products Note: In this document, the notation used for STM32F030xx devices is STM32F030 and the notation used for STM32F070xx devices is STM32F070. Please enter a valid full or partial manufacturer part number with a minimum of 3 letters or numbers Abstract: Si4735 Si4735-C40-GU Si4734-35-C40 am sw fm radio PCB schematic diagram Si473x Si4735 receiver chip si4735-c40 Si47xx Additionally, due to a common technology platform, the TEF668X can be combined with TEF701X, SAF775X and SAF360X for optimal system application through common crystal oscillator sharing. The C3 design guidelines described above should be followed. These next-generation tuners offer outstanding performance levels with the broad range of features and state-of-the-art algorithms, especially for multipath environments. Dimensioning and Tolerancing per ANSI Y14. Page 2: Table Of Contents Si47xx-EVB ABLE O F ONTENTS 1. I saw some stuff kicking about that said the 4730 isn't supposed to do SSB and there are 4734 and 4735 variants that do, but people have found that with certain libraries the 4730 often does work. 1MHz, 64MHz ~ 108MHz ; Lead Free Status: Lead Features. 5 to 3. Si4706, Si4707, and Si474x are covered under NDA. Volume = maximum for all tests. law (22 C. The schematic above presents the basic circuit for the receiver and the schematic is adapted from the Silicon Labs Si4844 datasheet and application notes. The one I have hasn’t worked like it’s supposed to, even after the software upgrade. Only the module that comes with the Si4730-D60 IC with 3060 marking will receive shortwave bands and RDS on FM. 3MHz ~ 26. from the programming APP note you see the code 0X3102 AM Device version /V102 TEF668X User Manual Rev. As a notetaking app, Apple Notes has come a long way. Also for: Si4704, Si4705, Si4706, Si4707, Si4784, Si471 series, Si4785, Si472 series, Si473 series, Si474 series. 3V I/O chip whereas the Arduino Uno/Mega are 5V I/O. AM, View Si4734/35-C40 by Skyworks Solutions Inc. Yeah, it’s garbage, at best. Page: 3 Pages. A real simple one to put together. 1 1 PREFACE 1. 1. 7 to 5. Features: 1. 5 3 Si4784 FM Receiver 3x3 The EVB and associated software have been designed to speed up the overall development process. Page 2 Si47xx-EVB Table 1. Si47 Series transmitter pdf manual download. Well done. Other people can assist you with your visa application. 3 to (VIO + 0. 1 MHz. This drawing conforms to the JEDEC Solid State Outline MS-012, Variation AC. Get App. The Datasheet Archive. I think that a higher quality and larger ferrite would be an improvement. To get an in It is important to note that the engineers and programmers at Silicon Labs did an excellent job by implementing all the internal resources in this IC family. 2. Part #: SI4732-A10. Sending code to the STM32F103 is very easy 4) Arduino Micro (see the operating voltage of your Micro); 5) Arduino Mega (by using a voltage converter); and 6) Arduino DUE; This sketch uses I2C LiquidCrystal/LCD, buttons and Encoder. Note that under U. The folder SI47XX_02_LCD_20x4_I2C has some examples that show About SI4735 The Si4735 is the industry’s first fully integrated, 100% CMOS AM/FM/SW/LW radio receiver IC. Because the Notes app is older than any other app on our list, and its longevity makes it clear that it isn’t going anywhere. You should get those and study them. Customers looking for I&A products can find more information below. 6 — — µs SCLK Input to SDIO Setup (START) In any case the Si4735, of I understood correctly, are mounted in the latest High End portables by Tecsun radios at the IF, while the new PL-330 and PL-368 at the front-end. Digital Audio ( Attention : Crystal and digital audio mode cannot be used at the same time). With this library, more than 60 Download files, links, and notes Si4732 + Si5351+ STM32F103C8T6 All-Mode Receiver by lz1ppl. The user interface uses 7 keys. View results and find SI4735 datasheets and circuit and application Build a complete LW, MW and SW (AM and SSB) radio with the Si4735 / SI4732 and Arduino. The C1 design guidelines described above should be followed. Get Notability on the App Store. To ensure proper operation and receiver performance, follow the guidelines in “AN383: Antenna Selection and Universal Layout Guidelines. However, interference waves are also quite strong, so a filter (FMI, AMI) must be used. This document includes detailed reference design schematics and the description of the main components, interfaces and modes. SI4735 Arduino Library and a simple FM and AM radio implementation; SI4735 ARDUINO LIBRARY BANDWIDTH TEST; Si4734/35-C40 Rev. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. 103) you must electronically sign and submit your own application unless you qualify for an exemption. Pin Assignments Si473x-D60 (QFN) DFS Seven selectable AM channel filters AM/FM/SW/LW digital tuning EN55020 compliant No manual alignment necessary Programmable reference clock Adjustable soft mute control RDS/RBDS processor (Si4731/35) All users should follow the Si47xx design guidelines presented in Section 2 and then users can proceed to the appropriate antenna selections according to the application and device used presented in Sections 3 through 10. Shop ATS-100 SI4732/SI4735 Full-Band Radio Receiver, ATS-100 SI4732/SI4735 Full Band Radio Receiver FM LW (MW & SW) SSB (LSB & USB). 6 V, TA = –20 to 85 °C) Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit SCLK Frequency fSCL 0—400kHz SCLK Low Time tLOW 1. File Size: 1MbKbytes. ) \end_layout \begin_layout Section Using the SparkFun Si4735 Arduino Shield \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The SparkFun Si4735 Arduino Shield requires The author of this Si4735 Arduino Library does not encourage anyone to use the SSB patches content for commercial purposes. In a typical circuit, approximately 15 to 20 additional components are required to operate the SI4732-A10. Offering unmatched integration and Taking notes with pen and paper works just fine for some, but if you have a smartphone or tablet, using an app designed for note-taking can truly change the way you get things done. This video shows a Si4735 Arduino Library example. I am still trying to learn how to add files to an existing fork'ed repository, but once I figure that out, I will be adding these files My mods to the PE0MGB SI4735-Radio-ESP32-Touchscreen-Arduino 17-09-2022 ATS-25X2 repo - ka9cql/ATS-25X2. 85 to 3. ” Page 28 Si4734/35-B20 Prop Name 0x0001 GPO_IEN 0x0102 DIGITAL_OUTPUT It is a receiver based on CI Si4735 or SI4732 controlled by Arduino with SSB support (amateur radio) conetroled by Arduino. 4. In Fig 5. 5-3. SI4735 Arduino Library and a simple FM and AM radio implementation; SI4735 ARDUINO LIBRARY BANDWIDTH TEST; Application Circuit”. 3 — — µs SCLK High Time tHIGH 0. I programmed the application on an ESP32 Wroom-32D processor (ESPRESSIF''s ESP32 Dev kit). Purpose: I'm trying to build an AM/FM radio station (frequency) scanner using an Ardunio Duemilanove. Even if someone else helped you complete the application, you (the applicant) must click the “Sign Application” button, or your application may A few years ago, I made a receiver with the SI4735, a model similar to the SI4732-A10, and due to the characteristics of the radio chip, I used a transformer to increase the impedance. 55 mm 20-pin QFN package zPb-free/RoHS compliant Table and portable radios Stereos Mini/micro systems CD/DVD players Note:For Si47xx rev D parts, C3 is required on pin 10 (VD). Please note that the Si4735 shield is based on the design given in section 10 \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Whip Antenna for SW Receive on AMI \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset (page 46 in revision 0. Recommended card reflow profile is per the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020 specification for Small Body Components. It is important to note that the engineers and programmers at Silicon Labs did an excellent job by implementing all the internal resources in this IC family. Device name Device Pin / Description ESP8266; //note : By using an internal capacitor, the circuit can be simplified. SI4735 Arduino Library and a simple FM and AM radio implementation; SI4735 ARDUINO LIBRARY BANDWIDTH TEST; — I would recommend to buffer with a fast and precise OP. C2 (22 nF) is an optional bypass capacitor for VA/LIN/DFS supply pin 16 (Si4702/03 only) and may be placed to mitigate supply noise. I experienced a tremendous improvement in reception performance. SI4735-D60-EVB Specifications: Type: Receiver ; Supplied Contents: Board ; For Use With/Related Products: SI4735 ; Frequency: 153kHz ~ 279kHz, 520kHz ~ 1. 5 V Most shortwave radios sold recently that support AM, LSB, and USB reception use SI3732 or SI4735. 5 V SI4735-D60-GM Specifications: Applications: General Purpose ; Current - Receiving: 10. Skip to content. 7 - 5. Product Si4734/35-C40 Rev. Configuration for generating 875Mhz clock in PLLA To generate the 875Mhz clock in the PLLA, calculate MSNA_P1 as shown in the manual. ESP8266 (GPIO) pin 15: pin 9: RESET (GPIO2) pin 18: pin 12: SDIO (SDA / GPIO4) pin 17: pin 11: SCLK (SCL / GPIO5) ESP8266/ESP12F, OLED and encoder wire up. 2-Wire Control Interface Characteristics1,2,3 (VDD = 2. Note: Your email address is included with the abuse report. Tested at RF = 98. You can get the free Evernote app with basic features, and an allowance of 60MB of file upload monthly, or you can get the Premium plan that gives you offline notebook access This is about the Sparkfun "SI4735 AM & FM Receiver Shield" is a FM(RDS/RBDS)/AM/SW/LW radio with the Si4735 chip. 5 to 5. UPDATE: Sparkfun no longer sells that shield. Si4735 SI4732 DESC. 6. 5 V supply voltage (QFN) Wide range of ferrite loop sticks and air loop antennas supported QFN and SSOP packages RoHS compliant Table and portable radios RDS/RBDS processor (Si4735 only) Optional digital audio out (Si4735 only) 2-wire and 3-wire control interface 2. Offering unmatched integration and PCB space savings, the Si4734/35 requires minimal external components Notes: 1. Quick reference data Table 1. There are more than 30 projects that can help you to build your own receiver based on the SI47XX IC family. 6V RST VDD GND DOUT DAC SDIO AGC 2. Buy/Parametrics Doug Graham, KB7RKY July 1, 2022 at 9:09 pm. HARDWARE NOTES: * The Si4735 is a 3. 6 — — µs SCLK Input to SDIO Setup (START). 0 to 5. So a hundred for a known working demo TEF701X, SAF775X and SAF360X for optimal system application through common crystal oscillator sharing. 5 V, VIO = 1. The entire mechanical and motor component There is also a reference to Application Notes on Page 16. Sign in Product Another note: If the radio does not connect to WiFi it will tie up the radio, considerably, and make the front panel and dial seem unresponsive. General Guidance. OLED Application. The formula for The Si4734 and Si4735 are a better receiver choice for amateur AM purpose because the frequency tuning can be done in 1 kHz steps. 5 V supply voltage (SSOP) 2. Preface ESP-WROOM-32 is a powerful, generic WiFi-BT-BLE MCU module that targets a wide variety of applications ranging from low power sensor networks to the most demanding tasks such as voice encoding, music streaming Looking for Product Information? We have officially divested our Infrastructure and Automotive business, (comprised of Timing, Power, Isolation, Broadcast, and Automotive products) to Skyworks Solutions. What is not clear to me Is the impedence of the antenna input or the RF input of the Si4735/Si4732. We look forward to working with you, and have posted support articles, answers to frequently asked questions, and application notes at www. GROUND 2,4 Connections to ground. For an illustration of these guidelines, refer to Figure 3. The input resistance of the transmitter audio input and the cap will The Si5351 is an extremely useful device, containing multiple clock generators with many versatile programming options that go well beyond its original purpose of providing a clock for digital circ Download files, links, and notes ESP32-S3 SI4732 pocket multiband receiver ST7789 1. Band selection via push buttons 3. DRM includes DRM30 and DRM+ (band , and ,, ) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Supply voltage V DDA(RF)(3V3) RF analog supply voltage (3. It uses the Si4734 Arduino Library. We also have the effective parallel capacitance of the main loop The Silab parts are great, I designed one a few years ago, using the Si4735. F. * Use the minimum sketch to test the minimum circuit. 3) V Operating Temperature TOP –40 to 95 „aC Storage Temperature TSTG –55 to 150 „aC RF Input Level4 0. View and Download Silicon Laboratories Si47 Series programming manual online. though they may require some different approaches depending on your application. Offering unmatched integration and PCB space savings, the Si4734/35 requires minimal external components and less. github Please note that this belongs to special part need sign a NDA with NXP local distributors then they will release these Note: For Si47xx rev D parts, C1 is required on pin 11 (VA). More than 30 example available. Please, use the comments in each sketch as a guide. 39 votes, 17 comments. Table 1. The Si4735 is a one-chip multi-band receiver and all of the important receiver functions are contained therein. US, Gracias por compartir este proyecto, estaba buscando hacer un SDR y comprar el board de evaluación y encontré este tú proyecto, ahora no sé si con la info que veo aqui pueda clonarlo, mi interes por el momento es tener un SDR Rx sencillo para 40m de 7. AN332 All Band Receiver With SI4732 / SI4735 (FM / RDS, AM and SSB) With Arduino: It is a all band receiver project. Encoder to tune stations; 2. true. Available for iPad, Mac, and iPhone. Product Family Function Si4735 AM/SW/LW/FM Receiver with RDS 2 3x3 Si4736 AM/FM/WB Receiver 3x3 To download the code, please copy the following command and execute it in the terminal It is important to note that the engineers and programmers at Silicon Labs did an excellent job by implementing all the internal resources in this IC family. it was a follow on to an Elektor article DSP radio. The Si4735 part comes in SSOP so easier than DFN for soldering. 9″ IPS display using Lilygo T-Display S3, open-source sketch by Ralph Xavier. 8 V Interface Supply Voltage VIO –0. 41. (Si4735) AGC LOW-IF ADC AMI LNA ADC DFS GPO/DCLK ROUT DAC LOUT AFC RCLK LDO CONTROL INTERFACE VIO 1. SI4735 Arduino Library and a simple FM and AM radio implementation; SI4735 ARDUINO LIBRARY BANDWIDTH TEST; Circuit diagram SI4732 all band radio receiver si4735 Arduino si4735-d60 with display The Si4734/35 is the industry's first fully integrated, 100% CMOS AM/FM/SW/LW radio receiver IC. The EVB supports three dif ferent kinds of configurations fo r the FM receiver: Analog Out to Analog Out View SI4735. This receiver uses the "Si4735 Arduino Library" written by PU2CLR (Ricardo Lima Caratti) and also can be used by others host MCU like (ESP32 and STM32). 71MHz, 2. nnuo hnyj sbhavp mily qlig pqk fvxyvm prgibdr zlqfh luur jhun dsa aaqozwq ebbdmr gwjksj