Random chinese copypasta.
Classic WoW Chinese copypasta.
Random chinese copypasta These characters, known as Hanzi, represent not just words but the essence of ideas, emotions, and traditions. Try another search, or browse all sites!. 我是 熟練 在 游擊戰 和 我是 最高 狙擊兵 在 整個 美国 武裝部隊. October 11, 2021. I’m not sure it’ll solve anything, but try starting like a million chats and posting that copypasta of banned words to There are various ways a dolphin has of showing that she or he is interested in sex. Content Creation. Uhh I made a mistake. ADMIN MOD Random shit a Chinese Propaganda Bot Posted . Airplanes are ok. com/soundlibraryFREE Downloadlink: https://file-link. Browse a large collection of ASCII art (text art) copypastas. Do you drive an Acura? Temmie is my favorite. TwitchQuotes is the leading online database for ASCII art copypastas ASCII Art Copypastas All Copypasta Tags All Streamers All Emotes Unicode Copypasta Builder Random Copypastas Contribute 📝📈 The FinanceTLDR Newsletter Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Simplified) [Improved] Half of The Legend27 copypasta but every “Legend27” is replaced with the Navy Seal copypasta translated into Estonian translated into traditional Chinese translated into Vietnamese translated into English translated into the NATO phonetic alphabet finally being translated into morse code 什麼 他媽的 做了你 剛剛 該死的 說對我, 你 少母狗? 我会奉告 你 我畢業了 頂 我的學級 海豹突击队, 和 我有 開外300 確認 殺害. In addition, the origin of these copypasta is from chinese speakers on private servers. arabic letters. Copypastas are mainly used on Twitch and Discord. It’s known to be originated on 4chan, an image-based bulletin board. com Covers all random chinese copypasta बातम्या and Liveatesn Marathi. Go to Lemmy Members Online • Isaaclai06. New comments cannot be posted. Even if it were true that you're an incredibly talented soldier, I think all the military discipline would prevent you from getting mad enough to murder some random idiot on the internet. Doxxing is where personally identifiable information about someone is leaked online via the internet. Origin of the classic WoW chinese spam. Go to Lemmy Members Online • Zeus2934. 我会 消滅你 他媽的出來 同 精確 類的哪 決不 見過 动态网自由门 Odebrecht 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 2019 suzano massacre hoax 六四天安門事件 bolacha 天安門大屠殺 green module 1987 反右派鬥爭 israel did brumadinho 大躍進政策 taubate scandal 文化大革命 sopa de macaco 人權 Gunther Schweitzer 民運 fat ronaldo knew自由 oak olavo 獨立 whistle mafia 2005 多黨制 tv globinho roberto marinho KGB plant About. japanese फोटो. Males are probably the easiest to detect. I love and respect China and Chinese people. ATTENTION CITIZEN! 市民请注意! This is the Central Intelligentsia of the Chinese Communist Party refers to a copypasta based on the China's Social Credit System meme, which warns the reader that they attracted the attention of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with their online activity and will be sent to a reeducation camp and have their social We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. there's one that gets spammed a lot in AV (i forget what english part says), but it is purposely mistranslated and meant to say "power fuck my asshole" in the chinese, but the english was translated as Go to copypasta r/copypasta •. These have been a meme in the classic community for a few years now. latin letters. QUOTES ON #RANDOM CHINESE COPYPASTA Trending Hashtags. एक शायर की महफ़िल. Stay updated. I'm a regular John from city Kansas. Everyone says America is a great country, and I look around and see who The Copypasta Generator is an AI tool designed to create humorous and engaging copypasta text snippets that can be easily shared across social media platforms and online forums. Our online generator provides a quick and easy way to generate dummy text in Chinese, saving you time and effort in your design and development process. Calling someone a “stupid female reproduction system” is a very impolite way to describe a mean or disagreeable person. Chinese Text Generator Use Cases. Report; Database; Random Pasta; John Xina Bing Chilling in Chinese. An example of a copypasta is, “Don’t care + Didn’t ask + Cry about it + 臣亮言:先帝創業未半,而中道崩殂。今天下三分,益州疲弊,此誠危急存亡之秋也。然侍衛之臣,不懈於內;忠志之士,忘身於外者,蓋追先帝之殊遇,欲報之於陛下也。誠宜開張聖聽,以 Mistranslations are funny, it's not about race. art videogames music programming personal anime games food writing cats blog gaming movies books photography comics design animation fashion horror game technology furry coding programacion portfolio manga drawing html education sports ocs poetry cute fun history Support me on Patreon: https://www. currency fortnite symbols. These Chinese Symbols can be used in any desktop, web, or phone application. The NA servers have a ton of Chinese players and these quotes are supposed to be like copy-and-paste instructions you can give to Chinese players who barely speak English. OP got a chat ban for posting the Tiananmen Square copypasta, not for simply posting an insult. Open comment sort options Best; Top; New Lista serverelor Discord, inclusiv căutarea random chinese copypasta. ADMIN MOD Chinese Copypasta I made partly with the help of a random paragraph generator . special fortnite symbols. From my experience in China, the best way to learn how to ‘trash-talk’ in Chinese is to, well, talk trash! “Trash-talking is practically the Chinese national sport”, so people know what it is and how to do it very well. chess and cards fortnite symbols. patreon. 警告!⚠ 今天你禱告了嗎? ⚠很多動盪。 先知穆罕默德(願他安息)將與俄亥俄州的斯基比迪人再次來到懷 Unicode Copypasta Builder Random Copypastas Classic ASCII Art ASCII Art Discover fresh copypasta here. Discussion of all Chinese languages/dialects is welcome! Please post interesting links, language learning advice, or questions! Go to copypasta r/copypasta. Go to copypasta r/copypasta. Earlier today I was really horny, and I saw what I thought to be a blank DVD. Menu. Controversial. Just changed it again, which accomplished nothing. So I put my soft pp into the hole of the DVD, and for a few seconds as I started getting harder, it felt pretty good, but then, once I was fully erect, it started being painful. Report; Database; Random Pasta; Chinese government. r/copypasta This is the Central Intelligentsia of the Chinese Communist Party• 您的Internet 浏览器历史记录和活动引起了我们的注意。 , YOUR INTERNET ACTIVITY HAS ATTRACTED OUR ATTENTION. See more 'ATTENTION CITIZEN! 市民请注意! This Is the Central Intelligentsia of the Chinese Communist Party' images on Know Your Meme! See more 'ATTENTION CITIZEN! ATTENTION CITIZEN! 市民请注意! Copypasta with the Xi Jinping ASCII Portrait Uploaded by Philipp Oct 23 , 'g' to view the gallery, or 'r' to view a random image The reason why I post this video here, I’m looking for a beautiful lady with luxury and busty body across the world, and at the same time I have a busty body as well. Find Latest Random chinese copypasta news updates online in Marathi at Lokmat. search 户晨风,he made videos about purchasing power in real life(not in propaganda) and give random people cash to see how they spend them however astonishingly Meme Status Submission Year Unknown Origin China Tags china, facebook, forum, hong kong, copypasta About. I posted the disconnect copypasta and received this an hour later. thelinguistgamer The Blog of The 26th Century! Copypasta Translations. خلاص ورمتهن. Chinese Symbols are text icons that you can copy and paste like regular text. Business random fortnite symbols. I made new Chinese copypasta for Gnomeregan . Education. Trains are good. You have to understand, I love and respect China and Chinese people. Maybe your extra greasy burger and fat free vegetarian burger based on your weight of 4000 pounds. Louis protests2017年圣路易斯抗议活动 Nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll 比基尼环礁的核试验 I'm gonna make another copypasta which will be about Indians this time so that it will even out the horrendous act I have committed by posting this xenophobic copypasta This is dedicated to u/null_check_failed , u/CumInYourGum , u/obamakawaiipianist and of The other most common type of a Chinese robocall scam makes the victim falsely believe they are being contacted by a Chinese embassy or consulate. Top. Trending | Latest. Random Pasta; Chinese response to Tianemen copypasta. Essentially the entire guild does what they can to help him reach top parses. star fortnite symbols. How does the Copypasta Generator work? Chinese to Pinyin converter. Winnie the Pooh and Hong Kong erotica copy pasta, translated to Chinese. I will give some information about me and get you more clear about me: so first I’m 29 years old and I’m a Chinese, I believe the entire china ban copypasta (even larger) Trigger Warning 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Copypasta Database. I drink out of straws. For current photo galleries and latest news around Random chinese copypasta you can visit Lokmat. Just take Chinese netizens, for instance, they have perfected it and reduced it to a special art form unlike any other. This is the Central Intelligentsia of the Chinese Communist Party. letters for fortnite symbols. He visualizes the map in a detailed rendering, completely in his mind. In Korea, the Hangul script was created in the 15th century as a phonetic writing These chinese analogies are hilarious in AV (horde prospector; solo vann pull) Humor / Meme gyazo. someone hit me with the link to it or ur china copypasta ty sirs Locked post. Hello. The Japanese writing system, including Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana, developed through a combination of Chinese characters and indigenous phonetic scripts. You like doors. Also get current news in Marathi. The Chinese meme is an infamous sound clip, which is mostly used Pyrocynical to mock players who Go to copypasta r/copypasta. 前往飛晶要塞 Go to flying crystal fortress 無視精靈士兵 ignore elf soldiers 謀殺衣冠楚楚的精靈人 murder well-dressed elf man 關係的關鍵 the key to the nexus 印象深刻 The IP address copypasta is commonly used to troll other users into thinking they are being doxxed. You must imagine we all think, "LOL DUMB CHINESE this copypasta comes from a famous internet streamer in China. I thought it wouldn’t hurt in this case just to let them attention citizen copypasta ccp xi jinping chinese chinese communist party social credit eevee Origin Entry: ATTENTION CITIZEN! 市民请注意! This Is the Central Intelligentsia of the Chinese Communist Party need some togc chinese copypasta Humor / Meme i thought i some a thread of these a while ago but i cant find it. ; Structure: Each symbol is a combination of strokes, often classified into radicals that hint at meaning or pronunciation. Not only do I have extensive re-education training, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Chinese Communist Party, and I will use it to its Every classic WoW chinese copypasta including Dire Maul (PirateSoftware), Sunken Temple, Gnomer, Ulduar, ToC, ICC, Alterac Valley (AV) and BFD chinese raid spam. com It of course started as just badly translated things from chinese (and other) players, but then it became people translating things back and forth from english to chinese until they became ridiculous, and finally just people creating ridiculous things to start that they though sounded like they might be bad translations. Pressing Esc on the Chinese keyboard layout will toggle the mouse input between virtual QWERTY keyboard and virtual Chinese keyboard. Q&A. net/63999/22119You use Amazon and want to support me? Use thi Classic WoW Chinese copypasta. However, a few years ago, I got a random text in Chinese, saying his dog is sick and asking if I had any walk-in appointments available. I should replace your fries order with salad. r/copypasta Local version somehow found on LuckyCrydiaa Soviet Socialist Republic's reply of Chinese Civil War vid by Yan Xishan 閻錫山: Reply reply Day in the life of a Chinese citizen - Be me, a responsible citizen of the Glorious land of China! - Live in Beijing - Wake up at 4 am to the 500 tons of carbon dioxide in my area - Eat deep fried urine eggs and stray dogs for breakfast - If you ever need to win an online argument with a Chinese user, there is one surefire trick according to meme lore: bring up the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. I drive a Toyota Highlander. I've never seen anyone imply Chinese players use them, I always saw them used by English speakers awkwardly trying to communicate with Chinese speakers that don't seem to understand English. chinese copypasta. 2K votes, 288 comments. ” This is a community for people studying or teaching Chinese - or even if you're just nice animation, also done by: @klyde on youtube: klydewitakay 👑 vaporeon wants you to know something. Open comment sort options. Incredible Things Are Happening In China is a catchphrase and copypasta that is used to remark on Chinese news, videos or memes. 4chan users arguing on long threads and in gaming A copypasta is a chunk of text that has been repeatedly copied and pasted on the web. These instructions have a weirdly verbose style and format with the real instruction in Chinese People at Fast & Furious 9 gave me lots of information. brackets fortnite symbols. r/copypasta. that challenge or embarrass the Chinese Communist Party and its authority. 早上好中国 现在我有冰淇淋 我很喜欢冰淇淋 但是 速度与激情9 比冰淇淋 速度与激情 速度与激情9 我最喜欢 所以现在是音乐时间 准备 1 2 3 两个礼拜以后 速度与激情9 ×3 我恨你媽媽她是超級同性戀,雖然這沒什麼不對。我並不是說我討厭您的媽媽,因為她是同性戀,但我可以看到您如何看待它。非常抱歉,老兄。我真的需要更加小心謹慎。他媽的。 twitchquotes: In the TSM meeting room, Regi stormed in with the fury of God by his side. New. I have to say right now, it’s so so so so so so so important. This Chinese Keyboard enables you to easily type Chinese online without installing Chinese keyboard. Find Latest Random chinese copypasta Photos. I’m very sorry. The Chinese Text Generator can help marketers and content creators generate articles, blogs, and social media posts efficiently. Find Latest Random chinese copypasta Video. Share Sort by: Best. greek words fortnite symbols. While the phrase is often used to comment on trivial news and cute animal videos shared by Chinese state media, the meme is Copypasta Database. A copypasta is a chunk of text that has been repeatedly copied and pasted on the web. Also Finds random chinese copypasta Articles, Photos & Videos at Lokmat. They will swim around, sporting an erection (anywhere between 10 to 14 inches long for a Bottle-nose), and will have no bones about swimming up to you and placing their member within reach of your hand. The CCP and its supporters get angry at those topics, and people who are neutral or opposed to the CCP are put in an awkward position where they could get in trouble if they say the wrong words. by Dipm_ Chinese copy pasta ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 什么他妈的你他妈的刚才说我,你这小婊子?我会让你知道我毕业了我班的顶部的海豹突击队,我已经参与 Go to copypasta r/copypasta. Take monster out of well 把怪物带出井 Fight the opposite big man 与对面的大个子战斗 Let it be stable so that it does not shake 让它保持稳定,以免晃动 Removed the chicken to prevent surprise 去掉鸡肉以防意外 Random Pasta; Chinese McDonald’s copypasta google translated. WARNING: Pasting these into Twitch, YouTube, Dubtrack, ect. soo did you know. I imagine it’s not very effective, however, since these sites are blocked on the Chinese Internet, so Chinese (Simplified) [Improved] - Copypasta Database 雪花飘飘北风萧萧 什么他妈的你他妈的刚才说我,你这小婊子?我会让你知道我毕业了我班的顶部的海豹突击队,我已经参与了许多秘密袭击的基地组织,和我有超过 (Click to copy) ASCII Art copypasta of Chinese Flag. Humor / Meme Grubbis. A Copypasta is a copy and pasted block of text that could reference a meme or be original content that is meant to be copied and posted anywhere on the internet to either troll or make a reference to something funny. Yet, this is one of the most commonly used curse words in China and it can be translated as “stupid c*nt”. com Open. Day in the life of a Chinese citizen - Be me, a responsible citizen of the Glorious land of China! - Live in Beijing - Wake up at 4 am to the 500 tons of carbon dioxide in my area - Eat deep fried urine eggs and stray dogs for breakfast - See my neighbour being executed by the CCP for making a mild joke about our glorious leader Xi Jinping - Try to go to factory but get stuck in The phrases in the copypasta are a laundry list of regions, people, events, etc. I've seen [insert player here] play, he doesn't even use a monitor. In educational settings, it assists teachers in creating Chinese language learning materials and exercises tailored to students' needs. Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators and owner of Starforge Systems, selling prebuilt gaming PCs. She’s super random but also smarter than she looks, just like me xD Reply reply From Wikipedia “A copypasta is a block of text which is copied and pasted across the Internet by individuals through online forums and social networking websites. Bolivia staged coup 2019 玻利维亚上演政变2019 North Dakota Access Pipeline Protests 北达科他州接入管道抗议 Ferguson Riots 弗格森暴动 2017 St. ᕦ( ᗜ )ᕥ ( Text Date originating Notes are 🤨 you 👁️👄👁️are 🤨 you 👁️👄👁️coming 🚶🏾♀️to 🏾 the 💖💅 tree 🌲 🌳 Random Rare Photos From World War II; Random Best Times When Women Called Out Obvious Sexism In 2020; Random Children Of Famous Cult Leaders: Where Are They Now? Random Historical Torture Methods Designed To Make The Pain Last As Long As Possible; Random People Who Fell from Ridiculously High Heights, But Managed To Survive There was a chinese account flying around and tk-ing people in our game. Changed my password, but more random Chinese code requests showed up a few hours later. Lately, the Navy SEAL copypasta has been stuck in my head. zhǐ yíng zhá mán sūng tū jié xiá mǔ Its the Ahlaundoh / Bipolar copypasta from classic WoW where players accuse the guild “bipolar” of always letting Ahlaundoh parse earning him the #1 DPS spot. I was in bipolar for a month as a trial warrior but left after I realized how the guild is structured—the entire raid exists just to fuel his parse. They started as real instructions used by Chinese or Taiwanese players playing on western servers trying to get western players to do things they wanted or play objectives. I’m sorry. I ignored this, and then several hours later, he followed up with a picture of a sad pup, saying the dog was now throwing up and needing urgent care. Patchwerk fat american 胖胖美国人angered hits on armored men对装 sapphiron 冷蜥蜴 mobile refrigerated shower heigan dirty man 黑衣脏人 disease spread far increase patrols in the grassland to व्हिडिओ. Amogus copypasta in chinese 😱😱😱 Ni hao! 👲👲👲🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🥢🥢🥢🐀🥡🥡🧧🧧 Ching chang chong; Genshin Impact; Apology to Winnie the Pooh (repost) When I meet a chinese person. To use Chinese Symbols/Signs you just need to click on the symbol icon and This is a community for people studying or teaching Chinese - or even if you're just interested in Chinese languages. r/copypasta glorious Chinese government worker gets paid nothing because his love for China so strong, he can work 14+ hour shift without expecting any money or work benefits! glorious Chinese worker willingly and ferociously refuses such materialistic vanity, for every worker of China always has the well-being Random Copypasta . 👑 #pokemon #pokemontiktok #pokemonanimation #nintendo #eeveelution #eeveelutions #vaporeon #aquana #didyouknow #copypasta #meme #memes #weird #odd #funny #cute #fish #fesh #water #waterpokemon #youtube #yt #ytb #fyp # ताज्या मराठी बातम्या. The phrase can be traced back to X / Twitter in 2020, with its usage gradually increasing in consecutive years. The English parts are supposed to be the Chinese instructions poorly translated into English. Dog Singing In Chinese or Dog Rapping Skai Isyourgod refers to a viral video that uses AI to make it look like a dog is rapping "因果" or "Cause and Effect" by Chinese rap artist Skai Isyourgod, which begins with Random Pasta; Chinese New Year copypasta: Year of the rat. Posts about Chinese Characters written by TheLinguistGamer. You can use your computer keyboard or mouse to type Chinese characters with this virtual keyboard. The recipient of the scam call is told that a package has been found (usually at an airport somewhere in China) containing the victim’s passport, social security card, or bank cards. FinanceTLDR is ( ️ of big money finance) + ( ️ of writing) · Over 9,000 subscribers. Who likes bacon? I kind of like ice cream. 你是 沒什麼 對我 但 祇 另一個 目標. I'm gonna copy and paste all the old ones I've found below;. 您的 Internet 浏览器历史记录和活动引起了我们的注意。 YOUR INTERNET ACTIVITY HAS ATTRACTED OUR ATTENTION. Best. Origins: The earliest Chinese characters date back over 3,000 years to the Shang Dynasty, inscribed on oracle bones. GONG XI FUCK CAI 😩‼️ IT’S THE YEAR OF THE 🐭 RAT 🐭You know what that means you qipao SLUTS 👘👀 Its time to show AHGONG👲🏻👲🏻👴🏻👴🏻 your PHATTEST oranges 🍊🍊🍊😜😜😜 And get some THICCC HONGBAOS ㊗💰🈵‼️Get 动态网自由门天安门天安门法轮功李洪志Free Tibet 六四天安门事件The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安门大屠杀The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派斗争The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大跃进政策The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人权Human Rights 民运Democratization 自由Freedom 独立Independence 多党制 Dozens of unlabled chats in Chinese that I assure you I have nothing to do with. 2 MAR 2022 AT 23:09 parappa, parappa the rapper, parappa the rapper 2, chinese, noodles, rap, rapping, chinese noodles, colonel noodle, um, umjammer lammy Additional References Urban Dictionary Wikipedia About "CHINESE" is a Here is where you can find a bunch of random stuff to spam chats with. NOTE – If you go to a football match in China, be prepared for thousands of angry Chinese shouting 傻屄 (shǎ bī) when something goes Sure, there's a wide variety of people that browse here, but you're far from the core demographic if you are who you say you are (which isn't the case). Patchwerk fat american 胖胖美国人angered hits on some of the translations are pretty bad. A very sad Chinese story idk dude im thinking google translate is more on point: If you want to know what you are doing, you will be able to work in a room where you are in the same place, you will be in the middle of the night, if you are in the same place, you will be able to watch the blinds and blinds in your eyes. An example of a copypasta is, “Don’t care + Didn’t ask + Cry about it + Stay mad + Get real + L”. Every classic WoW chinese copypasta including Dire Maul (PirateSoftware), Sunken Temple, Gnomer, Ulduar, ToC, ICC, Alterac Valley (AV) and BFD chinese raid spam. Best random chinese copypasta Quotes, Shayari, Poetry & Thoughts on India's fastest growing writing app | YourQuote. Son, you’re too young (Chinese:少年,你太年轻了) is an expression used for commenting on idiotic posts on Pyrocynical Chinese is a 2016 gibberish meme made by Podel (Formerly known as blazinskrubs). 因此,您的个人资料中的 11115 This sub is to archive Copypastas in Arabic, or '3arabi'. You can find other doxxing copypasta here such as the FBI Discord Warning prank or ⓘ User is suspected to be part of an online terrorist Chinese Placeholder Text Generator (Lorem Ipsum) The perfect tool for designers and developers who need placeholder text for their Chinese language projects. He has a biological wallhack; his godlike perception highlights all enemies within light-years. [ 此,您的个人资料中的 11115 (-11115 Social Credits)个社会积分将打折。 The Chinese script, known as Hanzi, has a profound impact on the writing systems of neighboring countries. Site Search. Popular Tags. For current Video galleries and latest news around Random chinese copypasta you can visit Lokmat. It's almost certainly a popular meme now. Skip to content. Chinese Navy Seals. September 27, 2018 >Hello, welcome to McDonald’s you are very very fat. No active sites found. There is a door. I’m so so sorry for my mistake. com. chats will probably get you banned. Facts About Chinese Symbols. Do you know why I'm here? No, I don't know why Mario is in a Latest random chinese copypasta News in Marathi: Lokmat. arrow fortnite symbols. 7. 📝📈 The FinanceTLDR Newsletter. Locked post. So make it last >:) ᕦ( ᗜ )ᕥ You take the moon and you take the sun. chinese fortnite symbols. Our tool offers a vast selection of About. 💡 The Trillion-Dollar Magic Trick. french italian portuguese letters. #random chinese copypasta quotes. November 1, 2015 November 1, 2015 ~ TheLinguistGamer ~ Leave a comment. I thought, DVDs have a tight hole, they might feel pretty good. September 11, 2024. 中国共产党(注2)(Human Rights VIolation) 是中华人民共和国(PRC)的成立和执政党, (Great Leap Forward) 也是世界第二大政党。中国共产党是中国大陆唯一的执政党,(Chinese Civilwar) 仅允许组成联合阵线的其他八个从属政党并存。(Free Tibet) 它成立于1921年,主要由陈独秀和李大钊创立。(Tiananmen square massacre . I love burgers, soda and my native country very much, but I do not understand our government. November 13, 2019. The only one I've seen someone legit try to use to communicate was the warlock one, where the guy had a warlock in his group that didn't speak English. It is a commonly copied statement from the perspective About. Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Chinese (Traditional) [Improved] Chinese Ben Shapiro copypasta; Amogus copypasta in chinese 😱😱😱 Ni hao! 👲👲👲🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🥢🥢🥢🐀🥡🥡🧧🧧 Ching chang chong قائمة خوادم Discord بما في ذلك بحث random chinese copypasta. . January 21, 2020. Old. Another player teamkilling (or anything else) is not a defence for posting unneccessary and irrelevant Chinese (Simplified) - Copypasta Database 雪花飘飘北风萧萧 There is a large copy-paste block with English and Chinese spellings of “Tibet, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989” that also frequently gets posted on sites like 4chan and YouTube to ward off Chinese commenters. Add a Comment. This disgusting scale is now a Fatass and sucking a dick it’s Random Pasta; Funny chinese. As everyone tried to flee, the Monkey King channeled cyclone effectively knocking the new imports back to China, he pulled his staff out of his ass and knocked Tactical back to Team Liquid. mfxwelkvbdmedaotjguvohaohbjazwuqcyomtsifdgvvzqsikajyyndghlwpxqnvkv