Physics laboratory experiments answers. To learn more about these exams see: AP Exams.
Physics laboratory experiments answers Chapterwise, Class 12 Physics viva questions with answers are given below for students to have instant access to all questions and answers with one click. txt) or read online for free. A chart shows the kinetic, potential, and thermal energy for each spring. 1st year engineering physics lab manual parul Find the answers of all the questions mentioned under the section ‘Find the Answers’ at the end of each experiment in the Engineering Physics Practical Book. 19. Polyhedron Physics is a remarkably realistic, comprehensive collection of simulated physics laboratory equipment and data collection tools. Give the trolley a small push to start it Frequently asked questions and answers of Bar Pendulum in Physics Lab Instruments of Physics to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. Essentials of Physics: PHYS 101 Most of us love the dear old Earth, in fact we’re quite attracted to it. 0000\pm0. pdf), Text File (. 12. Practical manual Compare your answer to question 17 with question 6 and describe the difference. 10. If you have a physics question or need help, Answers. List of materials required to perform the experiment. physical science 100% (1) 2. Each lab group should download the Lab Report Template and fill in the relevant information as you perform the experiment. Lab Manual has been specially written for the students preparing for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) Examination conducted by the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination in accordance with the latest syllabus by the Council for the year examination. Wilson, Cecilia A. Login | Register. power supply, trolley, runway, laboratory jack or stand. Physics Lab Manual parul university faculty of engineering and technolgoy engineering physics (03192101) tech. The aim, principle, procedure, tabular column of each experiment must be entered in to log book. Construction of the pendulum. Answer: The restoring force exerted per unit area by the molecules of the deformed body is known as stress. In experiments in the undergraduate lab, systematic errors are often discovered by hindsight during the analysis phase of the experiment Lab report of centripetal Force with data lab report: centripetal force esther objective: the objective of the experiment is to observe mass 𝑚as it undergoes General Physics I & Lab (SCI 1011) University Johnson & Wales University. We have by Stefan’s law E α T 4 or E Physics Lab Manual Class 9: Here, Students can get CBSE Physics Lab Manual for Class 9 in PDF Format at free of cost. We adjusted the knots so that the length of the pendulum was \(1. PHYSICS LAB VIVA QUESTIONS FOR THE 18PHYL16/26 SCHEME diffraction grating what is diffraction? bending of light and its enter into the region of. Simple Pendulum Experiment 2; physics experiment 8(magnetic field on coil axis and mutual induction) Online Exp09 - Thin Lenses - Lab Report Template 2399157; Vectors-scalars -F This is a question bank for the list of questions that might be asked during; Experiment 6; EXP04 - Linear Air Track - Lab Report Template; Experiment 5 Physics Established and high-quality teaching systems in the field of physics. The experiments should be properly done in the school laboratory. Post This Book. Basic Quantity Symbol SI Unit Measuring Instrument Department of Physics 8. Some highlights include II PUC PHYSICS -PRACTICAL MANUAL - Free download as PDF File (. This experiment includes Teacher Resources that can be downloaded for free after signing into or Physics . Publication date 2015 Topics Physics -- Laboratory manuals, Physics Publisher Stamford, CT : Cengage Learning Collection internetarchivebooks; printdisabled Contributor Answers. The graphs are not included in this e-book. Skip to document. Solutions Manual INTRODUCTION TO THE PHYSICS LABORATORY All of the laws of physics are expressions of experimentally observed phenomena in nature. Along with the projects and experiments, students must also prepare for the viva questions on the experiments with the help of Physics Lab Manual Class 11. Also, it helps to know the key points to remember when doing an experiment. Lab Activity: Kinematics. Each person in the group should print-out the Questions section and answer them individually. We constructed the pendulum by attaching a inextensible string to a stand on one end and to a mass on the other end. Home | All Courses PHYSICS EXPERIMENTS Ticker timer and tape, suitable low-voltage a. Please check our study material for Search - Laboratory Experiments In College Physics . Introduction (15 points): The introduction should include a general overview of the ex-periment, the goal of the experiment, what you expect to nd and the theory behind the experiment. So, students should remember the basic principles before performing a particular experiment. 2 showing two views of a physics lab and answer the questions following it. HighSchoolCourse While completing the DIVE + Saxon Physics course prepares students for the AP Physics exams and the Physics SAT Subject Test, it is easily modified for EXPERIMENTS. The Physics Classroom serves students, teachers and classrooms by providing classroom-ready resources that utilize an easy-to-understand language that makes learning interactive and multi-dimensional. Physics Lab viva question Stefan’s law physics lab: question and answers law what is black body? black body is one which absorbs the entire heat radiations. With two product options — more than 60 simulations — both Polyhedron Physics and Polyhedron Physics+ can easily cover an entire year of high school and introductory college physics labs. Undergraduate. Students are required to prepare thoroughly to perform the experiment before coming to Laboratory. The write-ups on activities, projects, demonstrations and appendices included in physics manual published by The Physics Classroom serves students, teachers and classrooms by providing classroom-ready resources that utilize an easy-to-understand language that makes learning interactive and multi-dimensional. Basic Science (Physics) 2 (22102) Solved Download Micro Projects Industrial Training Assessment for CTP (22049) Solved Download Hydraulics This document contains answers to viva voce questions for the subjects of Engineering Physics Lab for 1st and 2nd semester students. Laboratory Experiments In College Physics Author: Roman Kezerashvili. 5. 2 Your value for g will have been reduced by air resistance. In the laboratory you will have an opportunity to observe and discover those phenomena directly. Instructions 3 B. com The Holt Physics Laboratory Experimentsbooklet contains 33 all-new labs. 6M . Transport the lab to different planets. PART 3 – Conservation of Energy Procedure In this experiment the system is: the cart + the mass hanger PH 511 General Physics Laboratory II Contents A. The ticker tape lab is an effective experiment for understanding motion, velocity, and acceleration. 2. Students should be present in the labs for the total scheduled duration. in to score good marks in the CBSE Class 11 Physics Practical Exams. 4. physical science None. Procedure 1. The second year students appearing for Practical board exam, should submit the log book certified by the teacher. • Problem in Math Analysis (Can 2 = 1?) • Apparent Weightlessness (Where's the water?) • Which Way Does the Bubble Go? (Mass and inertia) • Bucket Swing (What keeps the water in the Physics Laboratory Experiments textbook solutions from Chegg, view all supported editions. In some labs, electric power connections are also provided on the tables. Advanced Physics 1 Lab Manual. Publication date 2005 Topics Physics Publisher Boston : Houghton Mifflin Collection internetarchivebooks; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English Item Size 425. S. Physics Laboratory Experiments Chapter 20 : Verified solutions & answers ) for free step by step explanations answered by teachers Vaia Original! 1) The document provides a data sheet answer key for an experiment involving object and image distances for lenses and mirrors. Hang masses from springs and adjust the spring stiffness and damping. Guided explanations and solutions for Wilson’s Physics Laboratory Experiments (8th Edition). pdf) or view presentation slides online. Physics Concept Questions and Answers. Academic year: 2020/2021. Educational Value: This experiment aligns with grade 11 physics curricula and ticker timer experiment grade 11 answers, reinforcing concepts of acceleration, velocity, and graph interpretation. There is really nothing modern about the experiments you will perform since many of them were originally completed some 75-100 years ago. ISBN-13: 9780974392936 ISBN-10: 0974392936 Pages: 160 Edition: 1st Rating: ? The lab report must include the following: 1. Discover learning materials by subject, university or textbook. SPH3U Unit 2 Assignment. Hooke's Law Lab Report- Cole Hotard. Since each lab group will turn in an electronic copy of the lab report, be sure to rename the lab report template file. e. Answer: A balanced force that produces deformation in a body is known as the deforming force. 4 kg is initially at rest on the ground. 1: Equipotential Lines and Electric Fields Pre-Lab Questions Answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper and turn them in before the lab In a typical experiment, we are usually interested in determining the value of one or more physical quantities: the width of a block of glass, the period of a pendulum, the mass of a body, and so on. Checkpoint: Have a laboratory instructor check your answers before proceeding . Skip to document tungsten filament is the black – body in this experiment. Each lab has three versions available for download: a structured lab, a student designed lab, and a guided inquiry lab. Each experiment is designed to require three hours in lab and about 6 hours of homework to obtain presentable results. Hernández. Major Skills in Physics Practical work; Experiments (1 to 5) Experiments (6 & 7) Experiment 8; Experiments 10; Experiments (11 to 13) Experiments (14 to 17) Activities (1 to 5) Activities (6 to 13) Projects (1 to 8) Project 9; Projects 10 & 11; Natural sines/cosines/tangents; Demonstrations; भौतिकी If you are taking this course through PA Homeschoolers, you must submit this lab report. Theory or the principle involved in the experiment. Read over the experiment or exploration before you come to lab and try to understand what you will be doing. Hernandez-Hall only on Numerade. • Notice the question asks you to “design an experiment”. Explanations The Class 9 NCERT Science Lab Manual is designed to help students bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and practical applications through hands-on experiments in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Define stress. It is kicked and leaves the kicker's foot with a speed of 5. In addition to co-writing PHYSICS LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS, he is one of the original authors of the first edition of AN INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL SCIENCE (published in 1971) and has several other physics IB Physics SL November 18, 2013 PHYSICS LABORATORY: The Simple Pendulum The purpose of this lab was to experimentally determine a value for g, the acceleration of Earth’s gravity, by using the given ‘pendulum equation’ and experimental data for the period of a pendulum and the length of a pendulum string. Also, your lab reports could be written and turned in during that same time period, but you will need to prepare ahead of time. All of the laws of physics are expressions of experimentally observed phenomena in nature. (ii) To determine the capacitance, C of a capacitor using an RC circuit Student Learning Time: Face-to-face Non The experiments in this lab will fascinate you, give you a first look at modern instrumentation and techniques, and give you a taste of what real experimental physics is all about. Explore vector representations, and add air resistance to investigate the factors that influence drag. The magnitude of the impulse imparted by the ball to the foot is most nearly, A force of constant magnitude F and fixed direction acts on an object of mass m that is The process-oriented performance learned through the experiments motivates students to learn the subject with more enthusiasm and knowledge. It reinforces the student’s be brought to the notice of lab in-charge, consequently, the cost of the repair or new apparatus should be brought by the students. It covers topics like Stefan's law, series and parallel resonance circuits, dielectric properties, and Fermi energy. Uploaded by: Week 10 Thread - We had to answer of series of questions that . l. Experiment 2 - The questions and answers; Lab 05 - Atwood's Machine; Experiment 2 Lab Report; Prelab 12 physics 1; Show 8 more documents Show all 39 documents Other. i. The following is a complete list of lab activities from PASCO's Advanced Physics 1 Lab Manual. Fig. Notes 1 Physics Laboratory Manual Since all the experiments in physics involve measurements, your attention; is drawn in each experiment to major pitfalls The lab manual also mentions the precautions and safety measures mandatory for students to follow. ) and one ver nier scale division (V . Alok Kumar Gupta Answers to Check your Understanding 77 82 87 91 96 100 105 112 116 120 124 139 135 140 146 152 158 163 168. 11. 2) Key results from the experiment Physics Laboratory Experiments Chapter 2 : Verified solutions & answers ) for free step by step explanations answered by teachers Vaia Original! This market-leading manual for the first-year physics laboratory course offers a wide range of class-tested experiments designed specifically for use in small to mid-size lab programs. 0 m/s in a direction 60° above the horizontal. 2023 Q2 - - (Experimental design) Cart on an incline, kinematics 2022 Q1 - - Pulley system with 2 blocks and a spring, kinematics, forces, energy, The laboratory Boyle's law experiment is typically conducted under isothermal conditions. In addition to co-writing PHYSICS LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS, he is one of the original authors of the first edition of AN INTRODUCTION OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE (published in 1971) and has several other physics Two experiments, one from each section, carry 8 marks, with a practical record (experiment and activities) for 2 marks and viva on experiments and activities carrying 5 marks. Use the following formula substitute in the mass measured and the volume calculated the answers in the data sheet to the thousands place. Set parameters such as angle, initial speed, and mass. INTRODUCTION 1. 1? Practice quiz. The description of the experiment in the CBSE Class 9 Science laboratory manual is provided in the following format: Aim of the experiment. Class 12 Physics Viva Questions with Answers 1. Keeping these facts in mind, Science Lab Manual Class 10 have been planned, evaluated under subject Enrichment Activities. Least Square Fit 6 EXPERIMENT NO. 12 cm of the estimated average of 31. We have compiled the best Bar Pendulum Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. determining how the spring constant influences. Search by subject, grade level, or topical keywords. Type your name, date, the day of the week you did the lab, and the name of the TA. Errors in Measurements 4 C. Get Free Trial SP025 Pre-Lab Module ANSWERS 1. in has simplified Class 10 Science Lab Manual learning by providing sufficient study content. MCQ Questions and Answers: Based on the experiments, the CBSE Class 9 Lab Solution Manual for Physics Laboratory Experiments 8th Edition Wilson Hernandez Hall 128573856X 9781285738567 - Free download as PDF File (. (5 points) 2. Clearly every one of the EDQs will ask o Think all the way through the experiment and do not rush to answer each question before answering the next question. 3. 27-2+guided+reading+&+mini+quiz+ Combined. The average deviation, = 0. Notes. Subject Download; Fundamentals of ICT (22001) Solved (Physics) (22102) Solved Download. This e-book contains sample observation of all the experiments to be done in class XI and class XII. General Physics Lab Experiments General Physics Lab Experiments. Measurement of Resistance. Physics 6B Lab jExperiment 2 The right-moving incident wave, y 1, generates a left-moving re ected wave, y 2, with the same amplitude: y 1(x;t) = Asin(kx !t) (4) y 2(x;t) = Asin(kx+ !t): (5) The resultant wave, y 3, which is the sum of the individual waves, is given by y 3(x;t) = y 1(x;t) + y 2(x;t) = Asin(kx !t) + Asin(kx+ !t): (6) We can rewrite Eq. Written by teachers for teachers and students, The Physics Classroom provides a wealth of resources that meets the varied needs of both students and teachers. Our Experiment Library contains hundreds of free experiments and lab activities designed to engage students in active learning. The title of the lab activity 2. Physics . INTRODUCTION TO THE PHYSICS LABORATORY . 3 A straight line has a constant gradient. The mass, string and stand were attached together with knots. Date Lab Report Template. Before doing an experiment, students should read the When students are allowed to perform experiments with proper instructions, they gain more confidence and knowledge. SP025 Pre-Lab Module ANSWERS EXPERIMENT 1: CAPACITOR Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to explain the experiment: (i) To determine the time constant, τ of an RC circuit. For carrying out experiments in the laboratory, students need to know the proper use of the instruments. You can even slow time. ) is called the least count of the instrument, as it is the smallest distance that can be measured using the instrument. 2 books for entry level physics class and laboratory. Physics Class 9 MCQs. 0005 First Semester Diploma Lab Manuals with answers PDF Download | First Semester Solved Lab Manuals. Part 3: Wire Specimen 3 1. To develop an understanding of electric potential and electric fields Expt. 02 Spring 2006 Experiment 1: Equipotential Lines and Electric Fields OBJECTIVES 1. The following is a complete list of lab activities from PASCO's Physics Lab Station Investigations manual. Answer-3: In a bar pendulum experiment, you typically have If your student plans to take an AP Physics or the Physics SAT Subject Test, follow the instructions on page 9. It reinforces the student’s Jerry Wilson received his physics degrees from Ohio University (B. The answers define key terms and concepts for these topics in physics experiments and calculations. A series of integrated experiments emphasizes the use of computerized instrumentation and includes a set of "computer-assisted experiments" that allow students Blast a car out of a cannon, and challenge yourself to hit a target! Learn about projectile motion by firing various objects. But the students should never copy the sample readings given in this e-book. PHYSICS LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS, Eighth Edition, offers a wide range of integrated experiments emphasizing the use of computerized instrumentation and includes a set of computer-assisted experiments to give you experience with modern equipment. To access more interesting Physics resources and study materials ICSE Physics Lab Manual for Class 10 & Class 9 is available here. Major Concentration: Applied Physics; Major Concentration: Professional Physics; Major Concentration: Biological Physics; General Physics Lab Experiments; Course Descriptions; Funding; Laboratory Experiments This market-leading manual for the first-year physics laboratory course offers a wide range of class-tested experiments designed specifically for use in small to mid-size lab programs. TITLE OF THE EXPERIMENT 1 Geiger-Müller Counter 7 2 Electron Spin Resonance 10 3 Magnetic Susceptibility of a Paramagnetic Liquid 13 4 Magnetoresistance of a Semiconductor 15 5 Absorption Spectrum 17 Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A ball of mass 0. physics law experiment objectives: recording values of spring constant, spring force and displacement. This market-leading manual for the first-year physics laboratory course offers a wide range of class-tested experiments designed specifically for use in small to mid-size lab programs. Section Menu. These labs are designed to guide your students through all the stages of learning physics, from the initial These laboratory exercises are designed to accompany and supplement the lectures in Physics 101, Concepts of Physics. 2: A physics laboratory a) What furniture does this physics lab have? experiments supporting various concepts of physics thereby enriching teaching learning process and experiences. Laboratory work is a very important part of a course in eneral G Physics. It includes sample data tables, ray diagrams, and analysis questions. A series of integrated experiments emphasizes the use of computerized instrumentation and includes a set of computer-assisted experiments to allow students and The term “modern physics” is outdated. The date the lab activity was performed 3. Set up the apparatus as in the diagram. The Physics Lab Manual Class 12 in PDF for free is available here for ease of access, students can access the CBSE Class 12 Physics Lab Manual anytime, CBSE Physics Practical Class 11 Lab Manual prepared by Physics Experts at LearnCBSE. A set of virtual experiments were designed to use with introductory physics I (analytical and general) class, which covers kinematics, Newton laws, energy, momentum, and rotational dynamics. , Ph. Here resistance of the filament varies with the temperature T. D. LABORATORY MANUAL 24 LABORATORY MANUAL P RINCIPLE The difference in the magnitude of one main scale division (M. Major Skills in Physics Practical work; Experiments (1 to 5) Experiments (6 & 7) Experiment 8; Experiments 10; Experiments (11 to 13) Experiments (14 to 17) Activities (1 to 5) Activities (6 to 13) Projects (1 to 8) Project 9; Projects 10 & 11; Natural sines/cosines/tangents; Demonstrations; भौतिकी To record the experiments that the students do at the Physics lab, Physics Practical Log Book should be used. ). Answer: The unit of stress is newton per metre square (N m –2). Pre-Lab Preparation: All of your experimental work will be carried out during the 2-hour lab period. Reliable total solutions for school and university. Jerry Wilson received his physics degrees from Ohio University (B. An experimental set up in which a rigid body suspended by a wire clamped to a support made to execute to and fro motion with the wire as the axis of rotation is called torsional Experiments needing electric supply are usually arranged on slabs. Experiment 4 Voltmeter and Ammeter Answers. SP015 Pre-Lab Module Answer EXPERIMENT 1: MEASUREMENT AND UNCERTAINTY Students will able to describe technique of measurement and determine uncertainty of length of various objects. This CBSE Class 10 Science lab manual familiarises students with the available instruments in the laboratory and informs them about the dos and don’ts while performing experiments. Connect the ticker timer to a low-voltage power supply. This market-leading manual for the first-year physics laboratory course offers a wide range of class-tested experiments designed specifically for use in small to mid-size lab Step-by-step video answers explanations by expert educators for all Physics Laboratory Experiments 8th by Jerry D. This means that the temperature is kept constant throughout the experiment. Students A realistic mass and spring laboratory. A series of integrated experiments emphasizes the use of computerized instrumentation and includes a set of "computer-assisted experiments" that allow you to Physics laboratory experiments by Wilson, Jerry D. The exercises are the product of much work by the physics faculty. Data collected in the Studying PHY 2048L General Physics Lab 1 at Florida Atlantic University? On Studocu you will find 43 lecture notes, 42 assignments, 34 coursework and much more for. Edexc evel Physics 66 Answers Core practical 1 1 There should be less uncertainty in the measurement of time, but this will be of interest particularly if the class have used both methods. 2 During this part of the experiment you will be lifting a cart to a height where it can be placed on a ramp (used during the next part of the experiment). Download editable student labs, teacher notes with setup instructions, SPARKvue or Capstone software configuration files, and more, all for free! Physics laboratory experiments by Wilson, Jerry D. Additionally, we were to consider Studying PHY 2049L General Physics Lab 2 at Florida Atlantic University? On Studocu you will find 41 assignments, 27 coursework, 11 lecture notes and much more for Question 1/16 What does a change in magnetic flux (Δɸ) cause according to the theory behind experiment 7. Ask Record the answers in the data sheet to the thousandth place. The lab PHYS 340 is a laboratory course focusing on important experiments in modern physics. You should use the %D in your remarks. This e-book only Physics Laboratory Manual (312) Course Coordinator Dr. You need to think about answering This group of conceptual questions has been extracted from Paul Hewitt's enormous collection that is published to accompany his Conceptual Physics textbooks. Kinematics. The course is really a sequence of experiments The document provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding experiments on diffraction gratings and dielectric constants in an engineering physics lab. Ask to a TA or the instructor to check your two plots of force vs Δx and velocity vs t and to provide their comments on the answer sheet for question 19. Give the unit of stress. The goal(s) of the lab activity 4. 086 cm The standard deviation is: The significance of the standard deviation is this: if you now make one more measurement using the same meter stick, you can reasonably expect (with about 68% confidence) that the new measurement will be within 0. Physics Lab - Mechanics. c. Laboratory work is a very important part of a course in General Physics. Publication date 2005 Topics Physics -- Laboratory manuals, Physics Publisher Boston : Houghton Mifflin Collection internetarchivebooks; printdisabled Contributor Physics Experiments for Class 10 ICSE are developed to prove the Physics principle. Physics laboratory experiments by Wilson, Jerry D; Hall, Cecilia A. A description of the lab activity (procedures and a sketch) 5. You may have Study Fig. PHYSICS LABORATORY: (Any Seven Experiments) COURSE OBJECTIVES: Engineering Chemistry Laboratory Viva voice questions and answers 1st Semester Common to all Dept 2021 Regulation : BS3171 Practical Experiment 2021 Regulation Physics and Chemistry Laboratory. Chapter 1 Measurement of Length; Chapter 2 Measurement of Density; Chapter 3 Force Table and Vector Addition of Forces; Chapter 4 Uniformly Accelerated Motion; Chapter 4A Uniformly Accelerated Motion Using a Photogate; Chapter BeTrained. 1. Students, as well as teachers, can use this e-book as a reference. By conducting traditional and computer-based experiments and analyzing data through two different ACTIVITY COLLECTION Physics Lab Station Investigations. Free-Response Questions. To obtain the greatest benefit from these questions, you must first read through a question and then ponder its answer. To learn more about these exams see: AP Exams. Physics Class 10 MCQs. Also Read: Physics Class 12 MCQs. 19 cm. The line should be Keywords: Physics Pre-Lab Module Answer . ) and Union College in Schenectady, New York (M. It defines key terms like diffraction, interference, laser, dielectric Physics Laboratory Experiments Chapter 3 : Verified solutions & answers ) for free step by step explanations answered by teachers Vaia Original! Find study content Learning Materials. NCERT Science Lab Manual Class 9 PDF CBSE Class 10 Science Lab Manual. Define the yield point. Physics Class 11 MCQs. Contents Lab Manual Class 10 Science Learning Science does not mean merely gaining knowledge about facts and principles; rather it is a path which is enlightened by scientific truths, verified experimentally. It may be recalled that NCERT brought out laboratory manual in physics for senior secondary classes earlier in 1989. Complete Table 1. Include these in your lab report: 1. 6 by using the trigonometric identity: The experiment was conducted in a laboratory indoors. Some experiments are easier than others. It fosters scientific inquiry, critical thinking, and skill development, providing a strong foundation for advanced studies. , author. Apart from this, you can be downloaded NCERT Class 9 Physics Lab Manual with Solutions for getting higher marks in upcoming practical examinations. Science Lab Manual learning formulas, class 10 Science Lab Manual theorem, study materials like Science Lab Manual The student has equipment that would usually be found in a school physics laboratory. affhqiivpvyjaxpeiymcuciqwndkjbxnymxmtvgntzoprgnhhstvyhsngbgobpnmujhgvheqmkvshmwxldezcqmjwt