Pathfinder furious focus worth it Reply Spellshape (metamagic) is under-explored as a mechanic in Pathfinder 2e. Prerequisite(s): Furious Focus. Brawler: Brawlers did it first, and they do it best. Critical Success Your attempt is successful. Furious Finish - now we can start using Power Attack RT 8. STEP 3: Crafting Skill Check. Join us on for more discussion on discord. If you were designing a Spellshape-focused archetype, or designing Spellshape feats for existing classes, what would you like to see? If stamina is in play, Focused Discipline is a quite-good feat for you no matter what you do. Yes, boon companion is absolutely worth it. Important benchmarks are Greater Trip at level 6 and Improved Critical at 8. Weapon focus, on the other hand, helps with hitting high AC creatures more frequently. View Cart; Help; Pathfinder . For example, at level 10, with a +2 athletics item, your athletics score while raging will be +25. 120 Related Feat Furious Focus When using the Power Attack feat and wielding a two-handed melee weapon or a onehanded melee weapon with two hands, you can spend 5 stamina points. Other feats you need are Power Attack and Combat Reflexes. Since you will be only doing one attack in the round with Vital Strike then it’s a great thing to have. If you focus on doing damage on a single attack, such as vital strike, spring attack, a charge, etc, then Furious Focus can be worth it. If you're prioritizing +athletics items and focusing on it, you can end up with a very high chance to crit succeed grappls on creatures even +2 levels higher than you. Otherwise you lose more damage from missing than you Is it worth it to stick with it? I can always retrain Double Slice into Power Attack and use the katana as a two handed weapon, specially now that I can get Furious Focus. It looks like the reverse of Cornugon Smash: instead of getting a free Intimidate on a successful hit, you get a free (swift) hit on a successful Bonuses to hit (weapon focus, furious focus) are more important to a 2 handed fighter (or any other fighter, for that matter) than a +2 to damage -- especially when you start getting iterative attacks, or have regular access to Haste. 7 dice of damage with a 0 and -5 MAP, with the potential to double with the class that crits the most, sounds fair to me. If you’re at least 10th level, increase this to two extra dice, and if you’re at least 18th level, increase it to three extra dice. And I'm wondering: Is it still worth going for this branch? Retraining is not allowed, I'll have to make a final and definite decision. If this Strike hits, you deal an extra die of weapon damage. Fear happens enough. When you take Rush Crafting, you have to decide on your approach to the job, from Trained to Legendary, which is limited by your proficiency. your BAB is 8, Str of 5 and a +2 Furious Focus. Homebrew and House Rules: Search Thread Jun 15, 2011, 06:38 am: Furious Focus allows you to ignore the penalty from Power Attack on your first attack in the round if wielding a two-handed weapon or one-handed weapon in It's also worth mentioning that Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization, and other feats not even in Kingmaker build off Focus. Furious Source Ultimate Equipment pg. Depending on Race options: Dodge, IronHide and Improved Natural Armor to make up some of the AC lost for not having a shield. 142, Advanced Player's Guide pg. So the initial attack from Cleave and associated feats wouldn't take the Power Attack penalty with Furious Focus. And without any of those things, Power Attack, Furious Focus, Step Up, and Improved Bull Rush look best. hitting regularly for lots of damage, but I also value utility. Once Haste went off at the beginning of the round, I had more than enough movement to get anywhere, and only getting one attack on a charge was far less important than Furious Focus would be excellent for a Sword Saint's signature move, it would make sense with the archetype of an intensely focused single strike, and it wouldn't even be all that overpowered. Ok, so you want to have Weapon Focus, Power Attack, Furious Focus, and Cleave. If you want to try again, you must start over. Second & Third action: Power A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. attack is kind of just a trap. Better be human and not want Raging Vitality Furious Focus has the same problem that it stops being useful at mid level. Requires Bravery Increases Health Regen by 0. However, if the bite is my only natural On one hand Furious Focus of course provides a larger bonus (past level 3) to the initial attack but on the other hand, it can be argued, that the extra +1 to hit on the second, third and fourth iterative attacks means more to those attacks than the equivalent of a scaling bonus on the initial Pathfinder Furious Focus vs Weapon Focus. Weapon Focus - you need all accuracy bonuses you can get. If you are flanking, use Demoralize. Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, base Furious Focus is better if you make standard action attacks and/or get lots of OAs; Weapon Focus is better if you make full attacks with boots of speed. Iaijutsu Strike would be 1d8+17+3d6, for roughly 22 DPR, and would tank your AC into the dirt while giving you a so-so chance of making nearby enemies shaken. If you can get flanking by lowering your initiative, do that instead. I will have to look at You can salvage the raw materials you supplied for their full value. In pf2e that gets more complicated because of degrees of success, but put that aside for the moment. Power attack will give you -1/+2 (att/dmg, scaling). When the built-in power attack checkbox on the attack dialog is checked on, those are given the proper penalty to attack and bonus to damage for that attack, and when the checkbox is off they're both 0. Furious focus doesn't make you hit better it just reduces penalties. gg (Furious Focus) Strike runes: Level 4/12/19 Great Pick is the weapon of choice: It has Fatal d12 and I think it's one of the best weapons for Power Attack (extra dice -> Pick So discussions on other threads have led me to wonder what Pathfinder Feats, if any, are as strong and/or useful as the commonly used 3. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. Benefit: When you are wielding a two-handed weapon or a one-handed weapon in two hands and using the Power Attack feat, you do not suffer Power Attack’s penalty on attack rolls on your turn. My definition of "strong" is as follows: Provides a useful status effect, well scaled bonus, or some other meaningful benefit or ability that a reasonable player familiar with the rules would want to use. gg you can choose to NOT do a third attack and do something else if you think a -10 attack is not worth it. It's really not worth it. Your vicious swing is now only one attack for your MAP, then you do another half vicious swing with your remaining action. Furious Focus is good. That’s normally a poor trade because the attack penalties are high and the extra damage is small, but the Titan Mauler improves the trade-off gradually, but the penalties don’t fully disappear until 18th level, and in that time a normal Barbarian has been As a bonus if you pick up weapon focus for your bow you can scale the damage up with sacred weapon iirc. I'm pretty sure we've all seen and thought about this feat, Dimensional Dervish. Power attack helps a lot for killing low AC creatures quickly. Furious Focus. Combat Trick - Vital Strike - the goal Furious Focus lets you ignore the first Power Attack attack penalty for your first attack each turn. Both are very useful for martial combatants to have. Core Rulebook (144) Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Furious Focus (Combat) Even in the midst of fierce and furious blows, you can find focus in the carnage and your seemingly wild blows strike home. The game tells me every feat level to get Weapon Focus, but I have read that many weapons don't have many FINDABLE examples and spoiler chapter 1 weapon does not upgrade often Community / Forums / Pathfinder / Pathfinder First Edition / Homebrew and House Rules. r/Pathfinder2e and posts/comments therein use trademarks Hello, actually I know the answer, they are supposed to be very good. A tabletop roleplaying game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. Furious Focus is a decent feat but pure martial characters dont have too much trouble hitting with their first iterative attack. Furious focus may be what you're looking for as a "more damage plz" power attacker. As a free action, you can expend one use of mythic power to negate Power Attack’s penalty on all melee In Pathfinder 2e, Power Attack is a combat feat available to Level 1 Fighters. In addition, the bonus damage from this feat is doubled on a Furious Focus Source Pathfinder Unchained pg. Each additional day spent Crafting reduces the materials needed to complete the Sign In; Cart . Martial Master goes a long way to fix this, allowing fighters to partially adapt to challenges. Beginner Box ; Rulebooks . Most of the time, this just adds one average damage, but it is useful for the claws once you get around level 10, since greater beast totem gives you 1d8 claws, which become 2d6 with this feat (that is 2. If you're in melee but you can't get flanking, then use Feint to make them flatfooted. g. I've seen it put to good use against Animated Armor, for example, which has Hardness 9 at level 2 (and was also encountered It isn't insane to focus two characters in longbows if you Availability isn't good, but the star of this weapon category, a +2 Furious Bardiche, is available in Dunsward in the Kellid Barbarian Camp from Dug the Merchant for a You'll have to fight and kill the NPC Dugath, for a +5 weapon to make this weapon type worth it, IMO Power Attack (Mythic) Your attacks are truly devastating. Then there is weapon Focus, any bonus to hit worth more. Second Edition Rulebooks; First Edition Rulebooks; Adventures . Lunge when it becomes available. Without Furious Focus it always nerfs your damage output starting from level 3-4. If you use more than one attack a round, I wouldn't say you're autohitting, but if you want to up your chances of hitting furious focus is worth it. If Improved natural attack would make them one size larger. Prerequisites: Str 15, Power Attack, Furious Focus, base attack bonus +6. Benefit: When you use Power Attack, you gain a +3 bonus on melee damage rolls instead of +2. The only time I really consider Power Attack to be useful is with a 2h weapon and high attack bonus or with Furious Focus. Prerequisite(s): Power Attack. When the wielder is raging or under the effect of a rage spell, the weapon’s But, lower tiers of armor require more dex fill their worth, 4 for light, 3 for medium, and only 1 for heavy. Pros and cons of not getting Furious Focus: Standard attack is less than Vital Strike; Full attack are competitive with or possibly more than Vital Strike. Do you find all the skills in pathfinder 2e are equally good? What skills are good for basing a whole character around? Are there any skills that every character is going to want to have? A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Guardian’s Deflection ( PC1 ) : Situational. Requires Shield Sweep Increases the radius of Shield Sweep by 50% to 150%. At lvl 7 or 9, I was wondering about the feat Hurtful. Accuracy: You always attack at your full BAB, which means that you should rarely miss. ; Good Damage: You may need to buy more dice to construct the tower of d6s or d8s that you’re going to drop on your enemies. Furious Focus does not remove the penalties from Reckless Rage. This counts as two attacks when calculating your multiple attack penalty. However if you can find feats that pair well with it then it's good. +1 to hit from weapon focus isn't necessarily the ideal feat, but for a particular build, that +1 can make a You’ve learned to maintain your balance even when swinging furiously. The second feat in our one-two combo with Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization provides +2 to damage rolls made with the weapon you selected Weapon Focus with. I didn't even have Weapon Focus. Requires Shield Block Increases amount of damage blocked with Shield Block by 30% to 130% and the damage dealt with Shield Sweep by 30% to 130%. As a free action, you can expend one use of mythic Furious Focus? I know there's a feat in pathfinder that after meeting the prerequisites and hitting a certain level, allows you to negate the negatives of power attack. And, as a side note: The players guide is quite good for kingmaker, read it. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. Classes. Skill Focus (Acrobatics) - you will provoke a lot. A tabletop role-playing game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. #3 < > Showing 1-3 Switch hitters are generally best for characters with bonus feats and a slayer would fit in the same way as a ranger with bonus feats but better. We're five sessions into a dungeon (by far the longest adventuring day in the campaign so far) and he's been raging in all but the easiest encounters and still has ~10 rounds of rage left, so functionally the weapon would be getting the bonus in Requires Vicious Swing Reduces the cooldown penalty of Vicious Swing by 33% to 100%. Critical Focus gives a bonus to critical confirmation rolls, and is a pre-req for lots of the critical hit feats. Would I take those 4 feats over +2/+4 for a 2 handed weapon fighter no, for a 2 weapon fighter, almost certainly. With Furious Focus you don't have that option, you are committed to Furious Focus is annoyingly a tax to get Dreadful Carnage, which keeps the Shatter Defences train rolling. Is that worth the risk of being fatigued? Also consider it will likely be your first strike that round since you get fatigued if it hits or not so best not use it with a -5 or -10 penalty. If you use miniatures at the table, I strongly encourage you to build towers of dice and then very deliberately topple them onto We don't need Furious Focus. . Once you throw in Furious Focus, you'll be far more accurate than any TWFer, therefore increasing your damage output each round. Now, Dreadful Carnage combined with Terrifying Howl on the Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber . So if you have 1 or less dex mod than heavy armor prof is worth 3ac - absolutely worth a feat. Furious Focus is not great for a standard martial full-attacker but gets better for a lot of edge cases, many but not all involving 3rd party content: ToB/PoW-style characters with strikes, Vital Strike characters including Spheres of Might martials, maguses who mostly care about the attack that lands their touch spell, Stunning Fist-centric characters who mostly care about the attack A tabletop role-playing game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. Retraining Furious Focus sounds good to me, but I never really understood its use past the first few levels; I know it's useful on a vital strike build or a 3/4th bab character but for something with full bab you can usually rely on the first attack hitting even You unleash a particularly powerful attack that clobbers your foe but leaves you a bit unsteady. If you do, each successful attack you make against a target reduces your Power Attack penalty against that target by 1 So at 1st level Furious Focus is out. If you blew a feat on Weapon Focus, for just +1 to hit, then Furious Focus is worth it. however I do not see this feat in the feat lists, even with the dragon bonus feats that let you pick any feats ignoring pre-requsiites, I cannot find this feat. You want to save fervor for your casting and emergency swift action heals. Furious Focus makes any attack made with a weapon held with two hands (a two-hander or one handed held with both hands) ignore the penalty to attack on the first attack you make each round (ie Furious Focus (Mythic) Your attacks create a rhythmic barrage that doesn’t sacrifice precision for force. A furious weapon serves as a focus for its wielder’s anger. Like Weapon Focus, it is the bedrock for even more feats that build on it. Originally intended for Monks, it is often brushed aside because of a couple of reasons, namely 1) the whole bloody feat chain is part of General Feats; and 2) it really isn't worth going down the feat chain except for maybe Monk or Magus, due to how hard it is to acquire Dimension Door. I like to have a principle specialised ability e. If you have 2 dex its 2ac still good. use thunder and fang to gain a large sized base earthbreaker and you have one massive hit with furious finish. To be effective with a two handed weapon is pretty much 3 feats, power attack, weapon focus, and furious focus. It is better for 3/4 BaB characters. I know there's a feat in pathfinder that after meeting the prerequisites and hitting a certain level, allows you to negate the negatives of power attack. If you spend a lot of time adjacent to your allies in melee, this can be really impactful. Overall, the value of Strike -> Exacting Strike -> Certain Strike is comparable to Strike -> Certain Strike -> Certain Strike as well as Power Attack (Furious Focus) -> Certain Strike. The Precision Ranger has a higher base damage, which in turn makes Deadly Aim less worth it; if we extrapolate from that, Deadly Aim would be even more worth it when you have lower base damage (e. Benefit: When you use Power Attack while raging or while using raging song, you take an additional –1 penalty on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver For a cavalier focusing on damage, it's probably better to get keen on the greatsword, then take Critical Focus at 9th and Bleeding Critical at 11th. ive been reading through the lists and just kinda phasing out from it all. Str 13 Power Attack; base attack bonus +1 Benefit Looking at my sheet, the only offensive feats I picked up were Furious Focus and Raging Brutality (+19 damage). EDIT: Forgot a bonus feat, and to specify Unchained MonkEDIT2: Some more stuff I forgot, like Skills, that's what I get for rushing it before an exam It's far easier and much less feat intensive to just use 2-handed weapons, since all you need is a high strength score and Power Attack. So you may not necessarily need Furious Focus : This makes following Vicious Swing with another Attack much more reliable, but by this level Vicious Swing is mathematically obsolete. 3. To go with it I took Improved Initiative. I am playing the Hell's Rebels path and my character is a Lvl 4 Slayer, considering to Benefit: When you are wielding a two-handed weapon or a one-handed weapon with two hands, and using the Power Attack feat, you do not suffer Power Attack's penalty on melee attack rolls on the first attack you make each turn. Furious Focus if using 2 hands on a weapon lets you ignore the penalty from Power Attack for your first attack in each round. That said, for a level 7 Benefit: When you are using Furious Focus, you don’t take Power Attack’s penalty on attack rolls that are made as attacks of opportunity. Power Attack, Weapon Focus, Combat Reflexes, Furious Focus, Cleave(pre-req), Cleaving Finish. Applies to the first attack roll in a round, regardless of where it's coming from (notably, because it doesn't depend on there only being one attack). RT 6. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. Please leave your preconceptions from other games at the door. Furious Focus is a prereq for Dreadful Carnage, and I figure it's good to fit it in soon (so Cornugon Smash has a better chance of hitting). 1d12, but I like axes. Reckless Rage says when you use Power Attack, you take an additional penalty, but does not say that it adjusts the penalty from Power Attack:. Power Attack - extra bit of damage, but not yet useful due to lousy BAB Rogue's Edge 5 (Acrobatics) - see Skill Focus. Furious Bully especially is what makes this so good. Furious Focus only makes a difference if you spend 3 actions on attacks, because instead of PA + Strike at -0/-10 MAP, it's at -0/-5 MAP. That choice sets the Setup Time and the Crafting DC. So the answer is: You don't need it. Benefit: When you are using Furious Focus, you don’t take Power Attack’s penalty on attack rolls that are made as attacks of opportunity. Yeah, the bastard sword, however, looks like it does what I want. When you make a Power Attack with a melee weapon you’re wielding in two hands, it counts as one attack toward your multiple attack penalty instead of two. Also, with a two-handed weapon the gain is +3 per -1 to hit, and that makes the break-point higher, so Power Attack is more likely to be useful anyway. But here's the problem: Our DM has decided on a house rule that adds -5 on any Intimidate check. Improved Furious Focus. Weapon focus shines best against the toughest opponents, where power attack shines best against the weakest ones (AC-wise). When you make a Vicious Swing with a melee weapon you’re wielding in two hands, it counts as one attack toward your multiple attack penalty instead of two. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Still not worth it though. Mathematically, keen is about equal to an additional +1 enhancement bonus for DPR on a 19-20/x2 or 20/x3 weapon. Adventure Path; Standalone Introduction. Even in the midst of fierce and furious blows, you can find focus in the carnage and your seemingly wild blows strike home. starstone. That's rather frustrating as it was a very good feat :( Improved Furious Focus is the second result that comes up when you search for Furious Focus and nothing marks it as third party content until you actually get to the page itself and look at the page path. Likewise, Strike + Exacting Strike is pointless if those are the only attack actions you take in a turn. ) These games tend to focus heavily on role-play and autonomy through the application of a player's chosen attributes and skills. At level 6 with power attack/furious focus/weapon focus he's hitting for +12/+7 for 1d8+17 with his challenge activated, for roughly 25 DPR. (take either cleave or Vital Strike, but probably not both). Weapon Focus isn't really that great on a class with a good attack roll boost to begin with. Fighter (Martial Master): Fighters are the king of feats, but they still fall into the “one trick pony” hole. Benefits of Vital Strike. Looking at it, it seems to be stupidly powerful for its cost in my opinion. Will definitely If I understand correctly, you wanna know how furious focus and power attack work together? Cool. Temperans : Apr 18, 2023, 11:16 pm they have to be high for PA to become worth it (before one-Strike buffs or Furious Focus come in). Currently the @powerAttackPenalty and @powerAttackBonus references are bugged and broken. Feat Type(s) Combat; Prerequisites. You can significantly improve the potency of your Power Attacks by taking the Furious Focus feat. 6 we compare the results of Exacting Strike with Furious Focus Power Attacks and the Strike -> Certain Strike -> Certain Strike sequence. Combat manouvers are generally not worth the bother unless you heavily specialise in them as CMD will rapidly outpace CMB especially for ceature sized large and upwards. Make a melee Strike. The Titan Mauler is all about wielding the biggest weapon which they can physically lift and swing. Without stamina, it’s lack-luster but still OK-ish. 7. One thing to note is when your use your fervor to cast you don't use somatic components. Field of Maidens Blood Lords - 04 - The Ghouls Hunger Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path Blood Lords - 05 - A Taste of Ashes Gatewalkers - player’s guide Blood Lords - 06 Furious Focus (6). 288 Aura moderate enchantment CL 8th Slot weapon quality; Price +1 bonus; Weight — Description This special ability can only be placed on melee weapons. I did opt for Power Attack and also added Furious Focus to reduce the penalties. But, it might be worth it in the end. 5. Physical blasts do MORE than enough damage and I'd rather not lose the hit for Deadly Aim. Invest in criticals and tripping. So there is the 3rd level feat and could select Furious Focus, Toughness, Dodge, or Iron Will. At 6th level. Pathfinder is a system where even small bonuses contribute to a functioning character. lead blades and enlarge pseron potions means pain. We have a bloodrager in our party who wants a furious weapon. Went with Weapon Focus and a great axeprobably could / should have gone greatsword for the higher average on 2d6 vs. gg/pathfinder2e or f. If you go down this road, you can take Staggering Critical at level 13. When your base attack bonus reaches +4 and every 4 points thereafter, the amount of bonus damage increases by +3 instead of +2. It gets a D10 damage dice while remaining one handed, which means with a swashbuckler dip I can get dex on damage and to-hit with slashing grace while keeping the insane damage dice of the curve blade. Because the value the reroll adds depends on the number you need to roll, the value it will add to the power attack and the first attack in the two Strike sequence will not be the same as the amount it will add to the second attack. the only character ive seen make vital strike worth the feats is a metal oracle rage prophet. Available starting at the 6th Level, Furious Focus Use a fauchard as your weapon (get exotic weapon proficiency). e This is Pathfinder 2. In Figure 2. Brawlers get the full version of Martial Flexibility, and the ability upgrades faster than any other Martial Flexibility user. non-composite Shortbow, non-applicable damage runes (or non-damaging runes) on your weapon) or when you don't benefit as much from critting (i. Sign In; Cart . This should be taken immediately at level 4, when it comes available to get the most out of the damage bump. As suggested, weapon focus is also a good one, and may have more long term value than furious focus, but less short run value. This is Reddit's home for Computer Role Playing Games, better known as the CRPG subgenre! CRPGs are characterized by the adaptation of pen-and-paper RPG, or tabletop RPGs, to computers (and later, consoles. Hitting multiple people is another way to increase damage output if you think about pathfinder combat as having to defeat the entire If you travel down the Vital Strike path then Power Attack and Furious Focus are a great pairing. Furious Focus for ranged attacks. Side note, switchhitter melee falls behind the curve pretty A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Iterative Attacks (you can see if it's worth it for each of them individually though, and the archery feats tend to cause most attacks at the highest BAB anyway so it shouldn't matter that much) Excluding the above cases it is worth it to use deadly aim when the following inequality is true: $$ rollToHit < 21 - \frac{baseDmg}{2} - DALevel $$ where Anyone have thoughts on the Furious Finish feat from the PF2 Spoiler cards? If the average combat lasts 4 rounds a Furious Finish on Round 4 should do +6 damage. Besides as much as Furious Focus looks good for low levels it isn't. With Furious Focus it improves your damage output, but with 3 actions Exacting Strike is equal output, except you only need to spend 1 If you are going the whole 4 feat hog you could also add such things as Improved Initiative and Furious Focus. 5 Feats. RT 4. But when they are working, those can both be put into a formula on an attack. The only interesting thing I see for DUal Wielding is the Dual Weapon Archetype with Flensing Slice but even then, I don't see enough synergy with normal Fighter Feats, I Furious focus it is! Thanks for that one. You still suffer the penalty on attacks of opportunity. now i personally think that vital strike and mythic vitale strike should be merged, or I like the simple feat tree that fighters have access to, Vicious Swing + Furious Focus + Brutal Finish. Versus mooks: First action: If you aren't in melee, move into melee, hopefully into flanking. Spontaneous Metafocus and Intensified Spell let you take Shocking Grasp up to 10d6. That spear dancing spiral feat sounds incredibly complicated. (Power Attack, Furious Focus). Your power attacks strike home. It takes the companion from being kinda behind the curve and at constant risk of dying to about as powerful as anything the ranger alone can do. It's fractionally better with Critical Focus, but the bleed effect from Bleeding Critical gives a nice I wouldn't say you're autohitting, but if you want to up your chances of hitting furious focus is worth it. 05 to It requires Furious Focus, Power Attack, and BAB 11+ but you get a free demoralize check on everything within 30 ft whenever you reduce an opponent to 0 HP or below. Adventure Path; Standalone A tabletop role-playing game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. By gaining this feat, your Fighter can devastate opponents with powerful attacks, but at a price. 5 average DPR from each) Maybe it becomes useful at some point, but I didn't look or plan that far ahead. You still suffer the penalty on any additional attacks, including attacks of opportunity. If you have 3+ When researching pathfinder 2e I have found a lot of builds focused on athletics and intimidation, and it got me thinking about skills. You’ll need Combat Expertise and Improved Trip to take Greater Trip. If you have the feats to spare, here are reasons why it's worth it Fighting a creature with stupidly high AC where subsequent hits have a low chance of landing: Completely Hypothetical Scenario Example: You have Power Attack and Furious Focus. Take the DC from Table 1. Improvements to bull rush and Step Up follow those. Took the Magic domain to get Hand of the Acolyte so I could throw my scythe. As other people save said: Typically no, but it has niche uses. It's an ok feat on it's own, but Weapon Focus tends to yield more damage. omwy lhzi vyxuvd szxk npgsve vivuty apjwieu ewtl nkgs zfdlxe ihgig pyby ahjdow jivleh tlnfgfhs