Gmrs antenna vs cb antenna. 8x is the small coax used for CB radio.
Gmrs antenna vs cb antenna GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) radios operate on In the civilian field, CB Radio and GMRS Radio are the two most popular radio equipment. 5dbi. Understand dB and how to choose the best antenna for you. I also "think" which is different from know that at unity gain a coiled 1/4 wave antenna can't perform as well as a 1/4 wave straight whip (1/4 wave and gain for purpose of example). For antennas, gain is usually stated as dBd for reference to a dipole or dBi for reference to an isotropic radiator. Any longer and it could be a 5/8 or 1/2 wave antenna, and you do get increased performance from those. brett313 Member. All antennas will do this, so it doesn't matter what type and you should always be aware of it. just with the increasing number of lobes as the whip becomes several wavelengths The perfect SWR for any antenna is always 1. I’m lost on this, and a call to Midland customer support did not help. I have resorted to in the attic. One antenna could be advertised with a gain of 3 dBd and another with a gain of 5 dBi. $29. _____ I would use an NMO lip mount to get the antenna closer to the hood and use a Larsen or the Comtelco antenna. 13 minutes ago, LeeBo said: I did go back and add the spring as there are some low hanging branches in our I have not used a CB radio since the 70s, but considering the range of CB vs FRS, or better, GMRS, what is the advantage of the latter over the former? Antennas for GMRS do not have the 20’ above building or tree rule that the CBRS is subjected to. Anina (2-Pack) 3DB Gain GMRS Antenna NMO Mount, Dual-Band UHF VHF 136-174MHz 400-470MHz, 3. I didn't notice any A cowl mount that is not a great idea for a stubby UHF antenna is not a big problem for a CB antenna operating at a much lower frequency. Offers strong magnetic grip for stability on the move; Designed for high-performance; All-in-one antenna that includes the antenna coil, whip and coax cable President Virginia CB Antenna I'm new here, so please be gentle with me. some antennas, the best ones, will double stack 5/8 wave antennas to give about 5. I’ve never compared, but I believe that super J at 50w should beat a 4w CB with the best antenna that you could actually fit So, going to bite the bullet and do my own antenna install and figured I might as well do a permanent install of BOTH my GMRS NMO roof mount and CB Roof Mount antennas and get rid of the magnet mounts. This is a special "Y Whether this extreme range was just a fluke, or just a normal occurrence at this altitude, we were nonetheless very impressed with the Abbree AR-152 GMRS tactical antenna’s capability vs. Mobile Radios. Bandwidth is usually specified over the 2:1 SWR range and typically you're looking at about 6%. A half wave length is 5. Electronics, Electrical, Uconnect, Nav, A/V, CB, Comms, Cameras - Sponsored By WOLFBOX. Thread starter bsmith; Start date Jun 18, 2023; Watchers 3; 1; 2; Next. 5dbi, 5/8 wave have about 3-3. 6dBi whip antenna. The GMRS rules allow for 50 watts input power on the 8 GMRS frequencies. 42. These antenna work, but are not very good performers. How do you tune an antenna for GRMS, is it the same as with a CB antenna where you use a SWR meter and lengthen/shorten to achieve the lowest reading across a spectrum of frequencies. I have a 2018 Ram 2500 Power Wagon Crew Cab truck. Posted June 23 GMRS Antenna Coax Cable. Thread starter OldBlue; Start date Jul 8, 2022; Watchers 5; OldBlue Well-Known Member. The last time I put up a base antenna was roughly 48 years ago and I know things have changed! Here are some questions I have. The antenna/mount on the driver's side is the CB antenna and the antenna/mount on the passenger's side is the AM/FM radio antenna. 675 MHz, PL 141. All of these antennae are For my gmrs and uhf/vhf antennas. GMRS operates on the FM mode, bringing clear and crisp sound quality. On a vehicle, a 5/8 wave antenna is going to show at least 3dB gain over a 1/4 wave, and at least 1dB of actual gain (depending on design, it can be much higher). 6 1/2 inches for GMRS. DIY slim jim antenna. For CB you probably have something similar to this, for example. Instead, make sure you get a special co-phased, RG-59 CB coax cable. Buy 6 MB400s, In this video we do a real world GMRS antenna comparison using a 3dB ghost antenna and a 5. There are no ways to practically adapt or modify a CB antenna itself to electrically work so plan on buying or building a new one. We'll see how long that hot water pipe last, we defiantly get the hot summers to beat it up. I've got Ch19 (my main simplex channel) from 1. We were traveling this weekend in a RV caravan. CB and GMRS cover the major portion of the population as it concerns radio communication when you are out and about. 0:1, but an SWR up to 2. With the right installation and maintenance practices, you can ensure that your GMRS antenna functions optimally for years to come. General rule of thumb is to space antennas apart by 1/2 to 1 full wave length. Downs Rank V. # 19-320, now this was a total experiment, and I went off from another J-pole Is there any difference in the type of coax that one should use for a CB radio vs GMRS vs Ham? I used this for my CB, and am wondering if I should do the same when I install a dual-band Ham. R. I have a Cobra CB with a no ground plane antenna. Before swapping out handheld’s original GMRS / CB antenna locations - near A pillar or mid point on hood. A 1/4 wave antenna is 6", and requires a ground plane/counterpoise which is the radio/you holding the radio. If the HOA bust chops about a CB or GMRS antenna, I would just get my Amateur license and then the antennas would be protected. RG-8x is NOT RG-8u. 44dB over a nice Jpole. #1 Antenna and or antenna cable grounding. Can I place the CB antenna just below the GMRS antenna on the same mast, with Currently I will be using a GMRS collinear antenna atop a 45’ HD fiberglass mast and will be mounting a similar design dual-band amateur antenna off the side part way up. Launch Member I have a question, I made a J-pole antenna for my handheld GMRS radio, and used a Micronta 144/440 SWR/POWER METER, Radio Shack Cat. With the increased range of GMRS over CB, radio etiquette (like using the minimum transmit power you need and Removed the Ed Fong Antenna (GMRS Version) and placed the Diamond Antenna X50 Dual Band in its place in the same location. My brother is using the antenna for his base GMRS radio and its working great. Besides more range, less foul language, etc. Also (and likely more relevant) the antenna for CB needs to be quite a bit larger (a 1/4 wavelength is 9 feet compared to 6 inches for FRS/GMRS). Roof would be the best obvious choice and GMRS antennas even in a half wave format aren't that long, what about 16 inches or so. The reason I recommend installing a mobile CB rather than using a handheld is that shrinking a CB antenna to handheld size and putting it inside a vehicle shrinks your effective range down to something more like 1/4 mile or less. Just an observation, RG216U is 75 ohms cable. It works just a bit better but I expected more. 99 $ 29. I found this to be great for GMRS one side and a CB on the other (yeah, CB for when on "The 5. 42so I assume I'm done cutting at tha 1" wheel spacer required to scoot the spare tire out far enough for antenna to clear vertically (could use more for Sasquatch, the tire is against the antenna, but just enough to not be able to unscrew it). Can a CB antenna be trimmed/tuned to work for GMRS? I have a Wilson Little Wil magmount base. In addition to two antennas and mounts, you'll also need a special co-phase CB coax for wiring everything up. 19, trimmed a touch more to improve repeater channels, and ch19 went up to 1. That's true for GMRS as well. The best antenna for you is going to vary a bit, depending on where you are going to be using the radio and what you want to accomplish. I picked up a Harvest BC200 450-470Mhz UHF 6. So since GMRS centers around 462 and 467 you'd want to tune for halfway between the two, 464. (People with opinions about CB vs GMRS, please find another thread ) What lessons have you learned so far about GMRS antenna placement and (possibly) recommendations on mounts or antennas? Im guessing the usual suspects of UHF antennas, like Diamond, Larsen, etc are good choices, but wanted to know what people are seeing with real Most magnetic antennas require a ground plane. SWR improved slightly when I removed the CB antenna. our stock antenna. Potential Damage: Transmitting without an antenna I believe that a properly installed mobile CB and antenna or a quality CB handheld will outperform an FRS radio 100% of the time. Second is the mount might or might not be useful. Antenna height counts for a lot. The antenna is a stainless steel rod. By “stacking two 5/8 wave antennas, GMRS aerials like the Midland 6dB mod What is the difference between CB and GMRS radios? CB (Citizens Band) radios operate on the 27 MHz frequency band and are limited to a maximum power output of 4 watts. They also offer multiple dB (decibel) levels that'll help adventurers level up communication in their specific environment. Reply. Like this: Home :: Antennas :: Mobile Antennas :: 1/4 Wave / Unity Gain :: PCTCN4347 - 430-470 MHZ 1/4 WAVE CHROME NUT ANTENNA In this case, the antenna can be used for frequencies within the range given. In my location much of the antenna is shaded by parts of the vehicle. Survivalist Radio Communications: Ham vs CB vs FRS vs GMRS vs MURS The above graph shows the distance range between a pedestrian with a whip antenna and a mobile vehicle with a basic vehicle whip antenna. I have a crew cab (4 door) truck if that helps at all. My CB antenna is a fender mount, the GMRS and handheld are mag mounts set on the roof, they are about 1m/3ft apart, on the GMRS repeater channels, there is definite bleed over to the Ham, I asked about this on radio reference once, the feedback I got You'll find that VHF or UHF antennas with a very wide range are usually 1/4 wave antennas. You will RX/TX best in the direction where you have more of the metal hood (ground plane). 15 dBi. The advantage of mounting it on the roof is you DIY 1/4 wave ground plane antenna. Midland Radio's new GMRS antennas pack a punch, bring clarity and range to communication. A CB antenna in the middle of an We just did a comparison between our CB radios and GMRS. LATEST DEALS AND NEWS BizTalk® REBATE PROGRAM. Prerunner1982 Local Expert, Oklahoma USA. I cut the CB antenna whip off at about 27". From what I understand, the Midland MXTA24 low profile cable works with both a 3/4 and 3/8 mounting hole, which should work with my current CB antenna hinge mount as I believe that is a 3/8 mounting hole. 75 swr down to 1. BASE_GMRS_ANTENNA Technical Specifications; PRE-TUNED We have cut this antenna for GMRS use only - no tuning on your part required! GAIN 6. My question is about the 2M/70cm antenna for the IC-2730A - if I mount it also on the tire carrier next to the GMRS and CB antenna's is it possible to cause decreased performance either in radiance DB404 - 3. Reactions: k9sar, Prerunner1982, RoarinRow and 1 other person. Please note that Midland's GMRS antennas, such as the The MXT400 is connected to a Midland MXTA11 6db gain antenna which is mounted to my rear tire carrier and near the Firestik antenna for the CB. "As a rule of thumb, a 3dB gain antenna has a transmit and receive pattern in a circular form, while a 6dB gain antenna has a narrower and more oval-shaped pattern in the vertical plane. GMRS operates on 462/467MHz (approximately 60cm). During the day, I think the GMRS FM will do a better job simply because of the noise factor. Without an antenna or with a poorly matched antenna, the effective range of your radio will be severely limited. 5″ tall Midland Ghost GMRS antenna we compared it to our Tram – Browning BR-180B 5/8 wave whip, which has a gain of 5. The maximum power levels for this radio transmission is four watts. Where a 3/8" bolt worked fine at CB frequencies at GMRS frequencies the bolt itself becomes an antenna. Even though its functionality is somewhat similar to family radio service (FRS) and citizens band (CB) radio service, what sets GMRS apart is its ability to provide higher transmitter output (as high as 50 W) and the broad range of coverage ( The Authentic Melowave Bandit-G is a GMRS antenna tuned for 462MHz frequencies on the GMRS. If the antenna isn't a helical antenna (many VHF antennas are), then it's easy to tell the performance from length. 5” Antenna NMO Connection for Midland Car Truck GMRS repeater without duplexer, antenna distance 0; GMRS repeater without duplexer, antenna distance. Launch What is GMRS and GMRS Antenna? The General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) operates within the UHF range of 462-467 MHz. Got the GMRS all setup today (ghost antenna). I am going to share some tips and tricks for installing and maintaining GMRS antennas here-1. Of course the optimum location would be drilling a hole and mounting on the roof, but that would also require a alum or steel sub plate for proper ground pane, and might not work I'm not that concerned with a 32" antenna sticking up vs a compact solution, so I might lean 6db if I expect it's going to perform substantially better. WRUU653; 1 Quote; 0; kidphc. I also have a 40 watt GMRS with a 6 inch antenna on the roof. You can put antennas closer together vertically if you have the space to go up and down. As I understand it, with CB radio setups with for example the fire ring coax cable, you need a exposed metal Although they are both used for short-range wireless communications, they differ in terms of functions, usage scenarios, and legal regulations. Trusting the internet I converted 465. I've just cut it down to tune for GMRS. So, be careful when looking at advertised gain numbers. I have GMRS requires a license, but can use repeaters for longer range, it is UHF and FM. Reactions: Sparksalot and EBG18T. Our GMRS antennas are compatible with GMRS mobile radios. I intend to mount the antenna on one of my Not sure how concerned I should be with SWR readings on my Midland MXT115 GMRS Radio, but on my 6 db antenna I get about 1. CB, on the other hand, The size of an optimal mobile CB antennas is around 108″, while you can get GMRS antennas with similar gain as short as 35″. What will also make a big difference is the antenna you decide to run. I just received my MXT400VP3 Micromobile Bundle with a MXTA25 3 dB Gain Antenna and plan on using it as a base unit, mounting the antenna approximately 25 feet up on a Tri-pole T V antenna tower. A Subreddit Dedicated to the (462 MHz) GMRS Radio Community. 1. Groundless antennas (about 34 inches tall) on UHF will allow A super J pole gives around +6db gain and is still only around 4 feet tall (nothing compared to a decent CB antenna). The gain of a dipole antenna compared to an isotropic radiator is approximately 2. Antenna propagation is changed based on a lot of factors. , we like using GMRS radios to keep in touch when camping and off-roading for You have confused frequency band (CB) with channel bandwidth (GMRS). CB Radios; VHF Mobile Radios CB Mobile Antennas; 25-120 MHz Mobile Antennas; 108-230 MHz (VHF) 300-512 MHz (UHF) GMRS Mobile Antennas; VHF/UHF Dual Band; 160M-70cm Mobile one - Diamond X300A Base antenna, 2m/70cm, UHF, 10ft one - 20' CB antenna I'm hoping to avoid mounting a horizontal addition to my mast. You may only be able to communicate over very short distances. RIPPER238, WRYZ926 and WRXB215; 3 Quote; RIPPER238. For CB and GMRS you should be using coax cable with 50 ohms impedance. 5 is acceptable if you have low loss feed line. Baofeng makes a very decent GMRS radio, if annoying to program (I never could get Chirp to do it on macOS). Next will be the Tram 1486 UHF Fiberglass A CB antenna “wanting” a 1/2 wavelength across solid ground plane of 18ft diameter is much more of a challenge than a UHF GMRS antenna only “wanting” a 12in dia ground plane. It could mean a lot of wattage shunts down the receiver of either radio unnecessarily and doesn't make it to the air. 6db Gain Dipole Antenna - N Make 250W 450-470mhz - Cost around $1000 You can get more specifications from 1/4 wave antennas have about 2dbi, 1/2 wave have about 2. Members; 137 Location: CT; Report; Posted December 13, 2024. 3) best swr on roll bar. I also have used 27 MHz CB and I perform communications functions (radio installs, antenna maintenance, radio programming, radio training) at my job at the fire dept. I'm assuming base-to-mobile communications here. Maybe my years are a little off. CB is one of those Midland HHCH variants and the VHF radio is currently a Motorola XTL5000. Of course with the 36" antenna the top was completely open. 5 dBi IMPEDANCE 50 OHM V. 69dB over the 1/4 wave ground plane and 3. GMRS antennas are shorter than CB antennas, and can offer a higher dB gain factor for the same size antenna – meaning more ERP (Effective Radiated Power). LESS THAN 1. W. If you want an antenna that will work better at that mount point for GMRS, I would use the Diamond NR770. I did get it to 1. I wouldn't run a CB antenna on the rack though and that appears to be what that antenna mount is for. 2) Side of driver side cowl next to a pillar. CB radios operate on 40 shared channels in the AM mode. This has been our go-to antenna for both ham and GMRS and we like the Seems the best place to mount CB/GMRS antenna is right on the front of the windshield since many companies, including Mopar, make mounts for them or lights or both. Below is a detailed comparison of CB Radio and GMRS Radio. What is CB Radio? What is GMRS Radio? CB Radio, Citizens Band Radio, is a radio communications device permitted for personal use. There is the Ditch Light mounting option. I run a CB (Cobra WX 75), GMRS (Midland) and a 2/70 (Yaesu) handheld with a mag mount antenna. 99. I'm using schedule 80 PVC (gray) for a 70cm and a 1296 coax collinear that have been on the tower for over 5 years without issue or discoloration. Short, portable handheld radios with small antennas and lower power output than CB. Share let’s say, 40ft @ 15 watts notched vs dual antenna, having one lower to isolate and having to run expensive coax to not even be close to “acceptable loss” 1) Highest SWR tailgate mounted to hinge next to my CB antenna. . While GMRS can operate up to 50 Watts of power under law, CB radio There are several UHF High Gain antennas that do NOT require a Ground or Ground Plane of any kind. For our range test of the 3. The 935G, like 99% of all other GMRS radios, does not/cannot send digital data transmissions, so it can have a removable antenna. I do not have a sunroof so have basically th Well, one can break a GMRS antenna just as easily as a CB antenna. I'm also a little confused not the different mounting style of GMRS antennas vs CB. But any antenna is better then non. Companies that make FRS/GMRS radios like to claim 10-20-30-40 mile range, you will not get that. Sponsored. You may get a mile if you are lucky without a repeater. Choose the Right Location: The location of your GMRS antenna plays a crucial role in its performance. The Bandit-G works with portable handheld GMRS two way way radios. Conversely, even with a 50W transmitter, the CB antenna is unlikely to capture too much of a signal. It is twice as tall, but it works well. Where I'm confused is on the antennas compatibility with EDIT 2 - Yes, I know it's a 2M/70CM antenna, but it does work great on GMRS. 5 meters/18 feet. Midland – MXTA24 Low Profile Antenna Cable with NMO Connector – CB Antenna Cable Extension – 6 Meters (19 ft) with Removable UHF Connection. 3) is the Travel/Emergency Assistance repeater channel on GMRS, you may also run Simplex mode (Truck to Truck) The Jeep folks are dumping CB because GMRS has better range, uses FM for better sounding communications between users, and has NO Skip conditions that will take out local communications. These are typically gain antennas that have a collection of coils and capacitors on the antenna to help create the phasing and properly stack the elements. 000 MHz to wavelength of 25. An SWR meter for a CB might not work for the UHF frequencies of GMRS. Minimum size is about 1/4 wave length in diameter. While antenna can be made smaller, they lose effectiveness as they 'shrink'. The General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) is a North American land-mobile FM UHF radio service designed for short-distance two-way communication. For the low-cost/best performance per CB radios rose to fame in the 1970's through pop culture. Then started cutting little pieces off and checking with a surecom swr meter. I've got a Nagoya UT-72 dual band antenna on my Jeep. Thread starter chorky; Start date Aug 30, 2022; Anyway, even just on bumpy highway portions I noticed that the center coil of the Stryker CB antenna was moving around a bunch - more than I felt comfortable with. At night when atmospheric noise and skip is non-existent, the CB and the GMRS will be pretty evenly matched, with the edge probably going to the CB. That said, there are some antennas that are "pre-tuned" at the factory to perform correctly in the indicated frequency range. I am going to be putting up some antennas at my house soon (GMRS, CB, 2m/70cm, and Scanner). I know there is an MXTA11, and an MXTA26 6dB Gain Antenna available for use with the MXT400. "} I'm running an 8 watt handheld to that ~ 3db GMRS tuned antenna ($11), low SWR and hitting the local repeaters. First Name Doug Joined Dec 2, 2021 Threads 19 Messages 940 Reaction score 1,653 Location Electronics, Electrical, Uconnect, Nav, A/V, CB, Comms, Cameras - Sponsored By WOLFBOX. GMRS operates in the UHF (Ultra High Frequency) range with 22 available channels, allowing for both individual and group communication. Are you looking for GMRS Mobile Antennas & Mounts for your GMRS Radio? Shop GMRS Mobile Antennas & Mounts at the Antenna Farm! Home; Cable Builder; Radios. CB radios are intended for short range The range is is the same as any other GMRS antenna (except that UT-72G) but I chose it because the "twist" on the antenna makes it a few inches shorter than all other 5/8 wave (or whatever its wavelength is) antennas, and its flexible, which is good when i'm off-roading through trees and rocks and fat-people. 8db Gain Dipole Antenna - N Male 250W 450-470mhz - Cost around $500 DB408 - 6. Went to the Nagoya website and the NA-771G antenna isn't listed. 5:1 POWER CAPACITY 200 WATTS CONNECTION UHF FEMALE (SO-239) LENGTH 5' INCLUDES STAINLESS U-BOLTS & MOUNTING HARDWARE The real difference between CB and GMRS is AM vs FM. My bad in the first place for using CB rated meter ibstead of one for GMRS and Ham frequencies. Which presents other problems. A ball mount and 9ft whip along the outer bed wall either a little behind the cab or behind the rear wheel should work fine. The size is frequency dependent. Asked by m4f1050, December 13, 2022. The motorhome is mostly fiberglass. FWIW, I use a slightly long for the 2m ham band 1/4λ whip with a diplexer for VHF APRS and GMRS, which means my antenna is actually 3/4λ. CB is ~17 times longer in wavelength, and with only 4W output, probably won't be seen by a GMRS antenna. The President’s CB antenna I am using for my GRMS Midland MTX105 screws on and off if mine could fit in the garage lol. GMRS antennas short as 20″ can still “talk” for many miles in open country, something a short CB antenna can’t do. FM CB Radios For Overlanding. HF backpack radios , HF packs, CB backpack radios , or manpack radios are compared with Handy Talkies, Walkie Talkie, or HT radios. They have the 771, 771A and 771-477 for CB Same thing with the 701, no "G" version Quote; 0; WRUU653. Odd multiples match the same so a 1/4λ for 150 MHz will be resonant (and the same impedance) again at 450 MHz, 750 MHz, etc. But for a CB at 27MHz and GMRS at 462MHz its nothing to worry about as there will be more coupling between antennas on the same property and each radio will Re: GMRS vs CB Let me start by saying that I am a licensed amateur radio operator and LICENSED GMRS user. Many people will attempt to use standard CB coax and a "T" adapter to connect the two separate antenna coax and the radio, but this WILL NOT work. 5dbi what does all this mean? imagine the radio waves coming off the antenna as a Has Standard ⅜ x 24 threads for use with fiberglass or whip CB antennas; Ideal for temporary setups or rental vehicles Stryker SRA10 Magnet Antenna. 5 MHz and 6% (28 MHz or +/- 14 MHz) will easily cover that. 38248 inches. 5 reading, on average across most channels, on my SWR. While the fiberglass mast negates concerns of a conductive tower, I still need to add separation from the vertical feed-line serves the upper antenna. No doubt it was fine - but I just think of stress on the cowl To the OP. An Unscientific Range Test of the Midland MXTA25 Ghost GMRS Antenna. Six RVs rolling down the road. S. CB is ordered and shipping sometime, so won't have that one this weekend. I run both on a roof rack without issue. 5 dB on UHF. You can get away with using 75 ohm cable but it is not recommeded. GMRS Channel 20 (462. Description Unit price Qty Amount 462 MHz Land Mobile (GMRS) J-Pole Antenna - SO-239 $25. GMRS Antenna Install Question. The last guy had a mobile GMRS 15 watt with a mag mount on his Midland MXTA25 Ghost antenna for GMRS. Posted December 13, 2024. So you would want your GMRS antenna at least 18 feet away from your CB antenna horizontally. The Main Reason We Like GMRS vs. 8x is the small coax used for CB radio. You can get coax with a NMO end that has a 3/8" center so that it will fit the CB antenna I'm not much of an RF guy, hence my interest in GMRS vs HAM, so I'll pose y'all a Newbie question in hopes of learning something. The only reason I see you not having a CB antenna on a 2016 is if the previous owner opted out of having it, which is the reason it would not be there on a 2016. A full wave length for CB is 11 meters/36 feet. Instead, height limit rules are the same as for Cell Towers, TV Towers and other tall What would be a round about distance between a cb antenna and a frs/GMRS antenna on a mobile installation to not cause any adverse reactions between the two? It’s not a frequency issue obviously, though an issue that may be something along the lines of making either/or/and too directional. The antenna connectors for CB are usually the same as GMRS, but long lengths of cables that work just fine for CB can really absorb the Tin top so the VHF antenna uses a NMO mount on the roof while the CB antenna uses a fender mount L bracket for an NMO mount. Even the best grade of 8x has over 9 dB of loss at 462MHz at 100 feet. GMRS antenna adapter for Firering style CB connection Mitchrb1; Feb 13, 2024; Winches, Recovery Gear, & Communications; Replies For a GMRS or 2m/70cm ham antenna it shouldn't be a problem. Testing and comparing General Mobile Radio Serv So, per the rule you quoted, it must have a non-removable antenna - which means you cannot connect it to a giant antenna on your roof and blast the very annoying digital-signal-noise for miles in every direction. 5dBi 200W Pre-Tuned GMRS Base Antenna and have it mounted on a 15 foot (approximate) pole next to the house which is a 2 story. Although they are both used for short-range wireless communications, they differ in terms of functions, usage scenarios, and legal GMRS antennas are shorter than CB antennas, and can offer a higher dB gain factor for the same size antenna – meaning more ERP (Effective Radiated Power). Arrow (MURS/GMRS) antenna numbers don't lie, the Slim Jim claims to have 6dB and I believe it was measured against a 1/4 wave ground plane, well I did the same test and my gain was 6. ICOM 2730a 2M Mobile Radio on DXEngineering ICOM Radio Mount on Amazon Antenna Cable on Amazon Antenna Mount on Amazon Antenna on Amazon Bandwidth of any antenna is due to physics not because it's ham or commercial or otherwise. Get it as soon as Monday, Mar 3. RIPPER238. 1 of 2 Go to page I will be installing a Midland MXT275 GMRS radio and a Midland Ghost antenna. GMRS radios are compatible with widely available FRS and GMRS CB radio operates on the AM mode which is why users experience the famous CB static. Plus, they don't work fantastic. As CB uses AM, you will get static and noise as distance between units increases. On TX the 2m/70cm and the GMRS will use each others antenna as a defacto radial and likely resonate. But IIRC a GMRS antenna uses a much smaller height at ¼ wave so less prone to get whacked, and needs a smaller ground plane so more options for placement. I also believe that a properly installed mobile CB and antenna AND a quality CB handheld will outperform their counterpart in GMRS radio a vast majority of the time, when it comes to P2P comms. 00 USD There’s a few things to take into account for that what kind of range will you be looking for, do you anticipate there to be obstructions like trees, mountains, etc but generally the higher, the better (GMRS is limited to 50W for mobile setups). myeymhlsjmkyymffqacusqadxogunvfotjaxncmxtsauoijhgzyeltsayzzlbuxdqozeqmjl