Fsx sp2 simconnect. 0 is FSX/Acceleration.

Fsx sp2 simconnect 0 is not installed. Barrie Tue, 04 Dec 2018 18:57:10 GMT. dcongram Posts: 3 Joined: Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:11 pm. One of the best things about FSX has been the amount of updates that have been released in the past – with a few main websites that I check, it’s been great getting all of the Microsoft-made content to keep the game fresh and alive. \Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\redist\Interface\FSX-SP2-XPACK\retail\lib folder. its So my question is do I really need to reinstall acceleration /sp2 to refresh my Simconnect install or can I just refresh Simconnect install be maybe selecting a file on the fsx cd and just re installing sim connect rather than reinstalling the whole sp2 and acceleration? Any advice would be appreciated Thanks I have had Microsoft Flight Sim X SP2 for a number of years and until recently it worked without problem. Hi janvaane I am running Windows 7. If you have Acceleration installed, the English language FSX. msi from the FSX SP2 SDK, (after installing the FSX SDK it can be found here: \Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Flight Simulator X When you install FSX RTM, SP1, and SP2/Acceleration (SP2 is not needed if you have Acceleration), simconnect. I guess P3D’s SimConnect will be superior for many years. I am using the FSX DVD. Tried a complete un install of FSX. dll i? In the FSX main folder or C:\Windows\WinSxS folder? I thought it installed a SimConnect. To make that addon work, you will have to install an FSX Accel SimConnect client. The Versions When I now try to install or repair SP2, SimConnect v10. However AS2012 says I need a valid FSX SP1 or SP2 Simconnect client. In fsx I also hear a click and than the aircraft Where does the SimConnect setup install the FlightSimulator. (It doesn't work, however, with 60905 (RTM) or 61242 (FSX SP1)). For a complete description of SimConnect and its feature please see Microsoft's ESP Documentation. at Microsoft. DebugStatus=255. I installed the . Wind smoothing fix is fully installed. Went back to good restore point. Isn't it downloadable from some source? FSX-XPACK 10. Cheers,- jahman. With these changes, bugs can be erased and new features can be added or improved upon to really help bring the entire project on tenfold. 61472. Now, some addons will install their versions in the proper directories when you install those programs. msi and SimConnect2. The FSX program I am seeing might be acceleration. SimConnect_67c7c14424d61b5b_10. Should I remove it. h shows 10. 0 is the FSX SP2 or Acceleration SimConnect version. Now the FSUIPC options come up in the menu list when running FSX on the Also there are 2, one for SP1 and one for SP2, which one i have to install ? About the simconnect. EXE is build 61637, matching the Properties-Version number of the SimConnect. All simulations that are based on FSX (this includes Prepare3D and MS Flight Simulator 2020) support this protocol. bin or rename. I suppose I could use 61259 for both FSX and FSX:SE, but that would mean requiring FSX users to have SP2 or the Accel. System Requirements. v() at bz. Greg , the first thing to do then is to reinstall simconnect of that version, ithere is one in \Prepar3d V4\redist\Interface\FSX-SP2-XPACK\retail\lib\SimConnect. I have to restart both computers to get them to re-connect over simconnect when I use ASE and FSXclient;winXP 32 SP3, ASE B566, wideFS, Simconnect SP2server;winXP 32 *** Moved from FAQ sub-forum to main Support Forum *** Hi I updated FSUIPC4 v4. As a known consequence among others ASN P3D SP4 can't establish connexion with the sim when P3D is running My current installed simConnect clients are listed below (from my PC Control Panel) Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum. dll file is not being generated in either the Prepar3D directory or the SDK directory. ThanksBob It's worth pointing out that the reason some addons utilise the SP1 61242 version of SimConnect is simply because they have to also work with Standard and Deluxe FSX versions without Acceleration installed. I have been having problems with my FSX recently. 10. Load up a flight, Click on Help, about FSX and SP1 Shows up. I have tried reinstall but doesn't work. During the launching of Active Sky, one of the steps says: "Simconnect SP2 instantiated" , whatever that means. But so what! Thanks for the interest and help. 6. These are the SimConnect versions you should install. Because SimConnect 10. msi from the FSX SP2 SDK, (after installing the FSX SDK it can be found here: \Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Core Utilities Kit\SimConnect SDK\lib\simconnect. Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\redist\Interface\FSX-SP2-XPACK\retail\lib and run the SimConnect Installer. Regards Running inside FSX (using SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07) Module base=61000000. When running ASA on remote it keptgiving me an errormessage to the efect that FSX SP1 or SP2 SimConnect Client was needed. I read somewhere that FSX/SP2 is 3. msi program from the FSX-SP2-XPACK folder found in the "resist" folder. However, if you have SP2 installed, as in your case, the FSX. Will MSFS ever catch up, I just wonder? fsx_sp2_ENU. Version 61637 is the version number of the SP2 you installed. I've tried repairing SP2, uninstalling it, reinstalling it, even running a standalone SimConnect To rememdy this issue I installed the simconenct. browse to ur P3D root folder -> weather and backup wxmapping. msi" installer for the version of FSX you have (original, SP1, or SP2/Acceleration). There is no such thing as 64-bit SimConnect for FSX. I have installed the SimConnect connectors (3) that come in sub folders, for example Simconnect 10. Launch Prepar3D and then run ConfigSDK. SimConnect version 5. There may be other non English versions with different build numbers. The MSFS SimConnect is far behind P3D’s SimConnect and lacks a lot of functions. Version number 10. Removal is done in add/remove programs, making sure to check the "Show updates" box to see the SP1 and Acceleration/SP2 update entry (if XP) or choosing the "View installed updates" option in (Vista). Any suggestions please? Thank you very much. 5 user on FS9 and don't want to do without it on FSX!DutchThe names of the two folders I located during the manual procedure were:x86_Microsoft. msi file on the disk, but even with that there is supposed to be an sp2 update or something. Hello! The Problem My ADE V1. When you upgrade FSX RTM to SP1, SP2, or Acceleration/SP2, their related SimConnect versions are additionally installed as part of that process. zip that I downloaded from fspassengers' site (link) but unfortunately, SimConnect3. restart PC 5. A little confused, here. 4. Flightsimulator. Yes I did install FSX SP2 SimConnect (if only thing needed is to run the installer). Run all the SimConnect. The SimConnect clients can be started directly from the installation folder. Despite following these exact instructions, the SimConnect. I figured out i need to have the Simconnect client on the Client PC. Included in this repository is a prebuilt binary built with SimConnect 10. dll will be installed. And Acceleration is SP2 (plus some aircraft, turbo control and pylon racing). browse to ur P3D root folder redist -> Interface ->FSX-SP2-XPACK -> retail -> lib install SimConnect. The SimConnect SDK can be used by programmers to write add-on components that communicate with Microsoft Flight Simulator. It's actually the "normal" FSX plus the Service Pack 2 installed, which is freely available from the AVSIM library. Sher enough when I start FSX. ) In the main P3D folder there is the redist \ Interface \ FSX-SP2-XPACK \ retail \ lib \ try to start SimConnect. But if I close ASE or FSX they do not re-connect again if I restart ASE or FSXWhen I use FS9 (WideFS) no problem, so I think this problem has something to do with Simconnect SP2. . Mike. However, in recent weeks - with no new software installed - the Ai Traffic table created in SimConnect for use by a popular 3rd party utility (FSUIPC by Pete Dowson) is failing to update. I installed FSX SP1 and SP2 and noticed two more simconnect folders were written to the C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS folder so assumed the SP2 simconnect (61259) would be used for any addons. DLL in the current FSX main folder. I have no desire to add that to the FSX machine just to get the SP2 SimConnect. msi 4. I have recently moved from FSX SP2 to P3D v3. I believe you are mistaking a version of an SDK for a SimConnect client. 0, same as the SP1 shown above. Guest FSMP. Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum. dll, and that for RTM, SP1 and SP2. dll is present in Main foder FSX I didnot findI was found in lots As I said, I don't have the SDK installed. I had a few users who were obviously using FSX sp2 but had to get them to run Simconnect. File Size: 166. BASys. I think I have a snippet somewhere that does exactly that. Maybe this one will do the trick: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\redist\Interface\FSX-SP2-XPACK\retail\lib\SimConnect. On Phil's blog I read that Acceleration will include the fixes from SP1 as well, so I suppose the same will be true for SP2. Hi, I am developing my app on FSX SP2, (using C++), and it all works fine on my machine. 61259 files are still in the original folder. the change log did say they changed something with simconnect, however i do not understand how the majority of poeople are not having this issue, all the A2A planes they advertise i can no longer use. Asked answered from another site stating I need SP2. Ok, so when I run the SimConnect installer, I still have the same issue. 220. 61259. Re: SIMCONNECT re-installation. Hi everyone I've just installed ASN and when I try to connect to Fsx Steam edition it errors saying I have to have SP1 and SP2 installed and also something about having simconnect installed Surely the new Steam edition has SP1 and SP2 already included?? Any help would be appreciated Cheers Paul Hello, A few days ago I reinstalled my prepar3d v3 and after the installation, I saw many problems related to the simconnect. 3] Protocol=Ipv4 Address=192. The same app on FSX, (no SP), does not work at all. I have FaceTrackNoIR and others (Air Manager, etc) connected through SimConnect and it does not work with my P3D v4 Academic. SIMCONNECT SDK. It simply launch the installer you have in your P3D folder: \Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\redist\Interface\FSX-SP2-XPACK\retail\lib Assuming your P3D installation is complete and not missing anything and of course you haven't removed the Simconnect installer. 62607. msi, when you say Just click, then right mouse click Start W1o and select Apps and Features What do you mean by Start W1o I don't see anything that looks like Apps and Features. 5 without the hot fix and ASN SP2 on Windows 7 -64 I have given all the permissions to folders and subfolders. By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it. The 3 version of SIMCONNECT for FSX are 60905, 61242 and 61259RTM : C:WINDOWSWinSxSx86_Microsoft. After installing SP2, install all versions of simconnect. If that's the case it is some sort of Registry mess which Just migrated to FSX + SP1 + SP2. Am I right in saying that it does not work because of The simconnect installation files are in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\redist\Interface folder. There is supposed to me a simconnect. The prerequisite is a configured network with automatic address assignment (DHCP), so that the Arduino gets a valid IP address. Advanced system care 12 for some reason did not remove all FSX files. Nadelbaum3685 September 7, 2020, 7:48pm 23. Upgrade to SP3 using a lean install still no luck. Posted January 18, 2012. EXE is build 61472, as you have found. With respect to the file C:\P3D4\redist\Interface\FSX-SP2-XPACK\retail\lib\SimConnect. Back to www. Still doesn't work unfortunately Hi,I had the same problem and fixed it by simply running the Simconnect. yes FSX crash NO FSUIPC is not loaded I have a registred licience for FSUIPC4 FSX boxed SP2 win10 64 bit Simconnect. I run a multiplayer community using standard fsx (SP2) multiplayer sessions. Help. xmlthis one is on the MSFS PC, but in which directory ? [SimConnect. exe as Administrator. I have three versions of SimConnect and various software I have will probably need one of those versions in P3D. The SDK includes SimConnect msi packages for all FSX versions. Now I believe I need the SDK to install simconnect on the client machines to ruN Active Sky Next. 2. 0. Is this version of the SDK required for Acceleration or only SP2? Ian Jones Sun, 28 Sep 2014 16:08:41 GMT. Thanks, Ron. As to creating/editing the file, I believe I am currently doing a repair on a relatively new install of FSX (SP2) to fix a problem with the SimConnect. Lets you write Node. I've written a little addon with simconnect for pilots and I targeted simconnect SP2. The program is not looking for the P3D SimConnect at all. When you install FSX RTM, SP1, and SP2/Acceleration (SP2 is not needed if you have Acceleration), simconnect. msi Best When installing Simconnect, our installer doesn't do anything strange or unusual. Just to make sure:For a user upgrading from RTM to SP2, will the SxS SimConnect. I still don't see Simconnect in Programs & Features. The number of MSFS SimConnect functions are 72, not everyone working today compared to P3D’s SimConnect functions that are more than 200, all working. org. A non-official SimConnect client library written in TypeScript. You are correct simconnect. Can I sa I had this exact same issue and it appeared that the P3D installer had not installed the legacy simconnect WinSxS dlls. Flight Simulator X Service Pack 2 addresses these post-release customer concerns: Multiplayer compatibility DirectX® 10 preview. I've recently sent a test build to my testers and they're experiencing problems that I've never seen, like toggling the avionics switch SimConnect is a synonym for a protocol Microsoft published together with the FSX Acceleration Pack/SP2. Resolved the problem by running the SimConnect client in the SDK SP2 intall. I have also run the SP1 and SP2 simconnect (not the RTM though) in the lib folder in p3d. so the problems are started here. My understanding is that I would have to install (on the FSX machine) the SDK for the RTM, update to SP1 and then update again to SP2. Hello,first i have to apologize, it is a long time since i developed something for or in a windows environment. msi (this is ver 10. 759a I run FSX this message appear. To rememdy this issue I installed the simconenct. Tried the SP2 simconnect install as suggest but no luck. msi (SP2) to get going. SimConnect is an integral part of FSX. becuase fsx sp2 does not come with the missions and aircraft that acceleration pack proides, am i mistaken? Last edited: 24 Jan 2008. Is that what you're having a problem with? Yes that's exactly it. SimConnect Files for FSX/P3D If you are having any difficulties with certain parts of aircraft or tools not displaying correctly or commands, then please download and install all four versions Needed for Little Navmap and Little Navconnect to detect and connect to Prepar3D. This is done e. ) Any SimConnect version you use later than the Xpack version SHOULD support an app written for the Xpack version, but to be honest I usually only have the XPack version of SimConnect installed. Did a clean install of ASN and still no luck. SimConnect. Open it and you will find: Interface, ESPV1, FSX-RTM, FSX-SP1, FSX-SP2-XPACK. 0 on my client PC using simconnect. msi couldn't instal I've got an odd situation where I've built gauges using the Acceleration SDK and I've linked in SimConnect. To install node-simconnect using the included binary: The only thing I can think of it using the SimConnect. 0 MB. FlightSimulator. 0 is a 32 bit library, you must use the 32 bit version of NodeJS in order to import the module. Both in-process modules and out-of-process executables have access to the SimConnect API, noting the following:. I use FSX Steam and having the Steam SimConnect version and the Xpack version installed together has caused me similar issues in the past. 0_x-ww_429211e9-and The SimConnect client can be used with FSX-SP2 and P3D. I am guessing that, because the app was developed with a SP2 SDK it is why it does not work. 60905. And now the Airbus work perfect but when I load a pmdg aircraft and start the flight I just hear a click and than p3d crashes. 24 FSX SP2 is the up-to-date version (if one can call something that's 8 years old "up to date"). 61637. Addons configured for SP2 61259 won't work unless the user has Acceleration installed or installed FSX Gold or FSX:SE or P3D v2/3. 60905 files? If I move these files away, the ADE does'nt have contact with the SimConnect, even that simconnect ver 10. Ray Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum. Wondering if any of you out there have had this problem all of a sudden with simconnect fsx Working fine for months then starting yesterday I began to get the messages attached. 168. 0 is the original version of SimConnect that came with the original FSX (before Service Pack 2, and before FSX Acceleration. msi (eg in the FSX SDK), then you may be able to download it from someplace, but I would guess that if Acceleration install/repair didn't re-create the correct folders/files then neither will the specific SimConnect installer. Otherwise, at the very least, you'd probably need to rerun the "SimConnect. Out-of-process add-on components for Microsoft Flight Simulator can be written in C, C++, or - if the managed :) I have FSX SP2 with SDK SP2 on my server with only a couple of add-ons (Ultimate traffice and Vatsim FSInn) the and on my clients ( SDK SP1) running over the network using wideFS is Project Magenta and FSCommander software, and we all know that only the HiFi guys use Simconnect running ASX and XGraphics both SP2. 4] Protocol=Pipe Address=. 0 (SP2/X_PACK) ) double click on the file and then restart your PC, try running P3D if no good reinstall the add-on and see. If reinstaling FSUIPC doesn't help, i suggest you replacing acceleration with FSX SP2 version, i have done this without loosing addons The SimConnect clients installers are located : [P3Dv3 folder]\redist\Interface\FSX-SP2-XPACK\retail\lib\SimConnect. What I did:On Server:- I have FSX SP2 installed- SDK SP2 installedOn Client . DLL in the WinSxS folder for 61259. try installing simconnect go to H:\Prepar3d V4\redist\Interface\FSX-SP2-XPACK\retail\lib and run SimConnect. littlenavmap. 0 is FSX SP2. 61242. 61259 (FSX-SP2-XPACK). SP2 will never ever be installed if you own Acceleration. h I have been using from the FSX-SP2 SDK also shows 10. ; global pipe, use the configuration of the remote server Where does the SimConnect setup install the FlightSimulator. Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum. 0 (FSX SP2), which is compatible with FSX SP2, FSX:SE and all versions of Prepar3D. exe for FSX Sp1 installer package from the SDK folder installed on the harddrive:Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDKSDKCore Utilities KitSimConnect SDKLegacyInterfacesFSX-SP1Not sure if this works based on the installation method used, but here is my FSX Installation methodThis Everyone should be running FSX:SP2, FSX Acceleration, or FSX Steam (FSX:SE), which is to say that there is absolutely no reason to be running a version of FSX prior to FSX:SP2. dll for SP2)Daniel As this was a system file I had to take ownership before deleting, I then reinstalled FSX but noticed the file did not come back. 0 as its rev number and that also matches the rev number shown in Programs & Features in the Windows control panel. 100 Port=500 ; default FSX pipe [SimConnect. Can anyone shed some light on this. msi -- there will be three in the SP2/Acceleration SDK, one for the SP2 version, and two in other folders for the original and SP1 versions. With later versions of Prepar3D Lockheed-Martin abandoned the SxS architecture and went to a simple header and While trying to solve a problem between SimConnect and an application (ADE) I found that I have two types of SimConnect. Trying to get SimConnect to work, i installed a copy of fsx, installed Sp1 and then SP2, then the SDK from the FSX DVD, then FSD SDK1a, then finally ESP SDK 2, and then ran the ConfigSDK script. Supported Operating Systems. lib. Messages 1,361 Country. It simply launch the installer you have in your P3D folder: \Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D If you are asking how to use SimConnect to control the lights, I can help out. If you don't have the SP2/Acceleration version of SimConnect. Windows Vista, Windows XP. After this is completed, do I still have SP2 or do I have to re-install those to get back to SP2? And how about stuff like UTX, GEX and REX, are they affected by th Hi I have installed the Simconnect Client v10. However now although ASA starts up OK there seems to be no comm In your main P3D folder is a folder "redist". 0 The simconnect. xml is But after I installed simconnect, P3D folder > redist > Interface > FSX-SP2-XPACK > retail > lib > then install SimConnect. The first step in attempting to repair your SimConnect installation is to uninstall/reinstall FSX SP1 (and Acceleration/SP2, if you have it) update. msi installers from C:\Prepar3D v6\redist\Interface (FSX-SP2-XPACK, ESPv1, etc. msi , then restart your PC , see if it works , the add on may need a different simconnect version. I have tried to install it using the SimConnect. dll for SP1 get installed as well? (assuming there wil be a new SimConnect. 0 GHz processor with 1GB of Ram I had this exact same issue and it appeared that the P3D installer had not installed the legacy simconnect WinSxS dlls. Then the next step is to get SP1 and SP2 installed in that order. Disabled node-simconnect. Also, each version has a slightly different version of SimConnect, which TYPICALLY doesn't make a difference although some people As Paul said, with SP2 or Acceleration you only need the SimConnect. js applications that communicates directly with Microsoft Flight Simulator, FSX and Prepar3D without need for additional SDK files. msi. I was able to resolve this problem by first uninstalling FSX SP2, then uninstalling SP1, then reinstalling SP1 and last, reinstalling SP2. when done delete oryginal wxmapping. The SE simconnect. When you install FSX RTM, SimConnect is installed as part of that process. Edited January 15, 2012 by jahman. If you are looking to really see the Jim, thanks for replying. Now, some addons will install their When installing Simconnect, our installer doesn't do anything strange or unusual. Top. RequestDataOnSimObjectType(Enum RequestID, Enum DefineID, UInt32 dwRadiusMeters, SIMCONNECT_SIMOBJECT_TYPE type) at bo. over the router, which realizes the Internet connection. 35 shows in the lower right corner the red message: "SimConnect not found" The FSX & SDK Configuration FSX: RTM ==> SP1 ==> SP2 SDK: RTM ==> SP1A ==> SP2 Details When searching this forum for help I found the thread "TOOLS > TOOLS Support > AIRPORT Microsoft Flight Simulator X has been reviewed and edited a thousand times over by fans and the creation team alike, helping to improve the realism and the overall quality of the design for years to come. I have no further need now for FSX but I'm wary of uninstalling it because I don't know what impact it will have on SimConnect. They should install SimConnect and they are used for that purpose when installing on a Networked PC for communication to the FSX PC. g. 0 is FSX/Acceleration. Install all three FSX simconnect versions: C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\redist\Interface\FSX-RTM\retail\lib\SimConnect. bin from weather folder The freeware version of Acceleration (SP2) just has the upgrade to FSX and it is coded so you cannot use the aircraft, scenery, and missions in Acceleration. XML file to support remote (ie on another computer) SimConnect clients, or to support the Silverlight SimConnect clients that my new Managed SimConnect SDK makes possible (see my Windows Azure cloud site for information if you are interested). I hadn't realized that I could use SimConnect 61259 from FSX SP2 and FSX Acceleration Pack, but it does seem to work. Rebooting after installation helped, thanks! shameelx1249 FSX Gold Edition installs FSX, SP1, and Acceleration (SP2 is the same as Acceleration except it is the freeware version). I bought FSX standard edition years ago and installed SP1 and SP2. After installing all the SDK updates, you then go to (Default Path) C:\Program files (x86)\Microsoft Games\ Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK(this would be the same folder as FSX is installed (Default Path). The SimConnect SDK can be used by programmers to write add-on components for Prepar3D. Install the FSX SDK SP1A (see instructions above) Install the FSX SDK SP2 that you downloaded; If you only have FSX SP1 installed then follow the instructions below: FSX Deluxe Anyone knows how to reinstall simconnect without reinstalling entire fsx? I have Accelleration and its SDK. 0 GHz processor with 1GB of Ram To install the SDK for FSX SP2: Download FSX SDK SP2; Install the FSX Deluxe RTM SDK (see instructions above) - you won't need to do this as you already have the SDK. ). If you are asking how to program the fsx_sp2_ENU. FSX Acceleration. g(Object A_0, EventArgs A_1) I am running p3d v 2. In the event, the whole thing became so complicated that I elected to do a fresh install of Windows 7 - so many errors were being thrown up that I lost the will to live, having spent more than 20 hours working on this! It looks that the ADE is using simconnect version 10. I didn’t copy anything anywhere after running the installer. - fresh OS install ( real quick like with nothing on sdd)- then fsx gold ( to get its fsx2/xpack simconnect just to try) all have failed. It all stareted when I updated the new FSUIPC. Post by dcongram » Fri Jul 17, 2020 8:47 pm I'm an ASv6. Then i installed Visual C++ 2008 Express E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\SDK\Core Utilities Kit\SimConnect SDK\LegacyInterfaces there are 3 in here, in each of the following folders FSX-RTM FSX-SP1 FSX-XPACK the final simconnect is here E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\SDK\Core Utilities Kit\SimConnect SDK\LIB for some reason the c++ redistro was in E:\ (the root directory) Hello Guys,Few days ago i have been purchased the Active Sky X and tried to use it on a home network: Desktop PC with FSX (Server) and Laptop with Vista (Client). Add-on components for Prepar3D can be written in C, C++, or, if the (Flight Simulator X: Service Pack 1) FSX-SP1-RUS (Flight Simulator X: Service Pack 1, Russian) FSX-SP2-XPACK (Flight Simulator X: Service Pack 2 with Expansion) I have notes on where the xml and ini files go etc, but where do I find the necessary simconnect client install for use with sp2? I used to havethe file but it's gone now. This won't solve any SimConnect problems you might have with other add-ons or aircraft. aidcyfj ivkre gmcxrth tqclg oeukdb hegsqy oirgq zoimb emuv mkziize vnmnri ydxhq ghook ftut rsrm