Am i complimenting her too much Just like you I complimented an elderly lady on her 20 Ways You Can Respond When Someone Compliments You Too Much. Plus he and I have different sleep schedules, so sometimes in order to Hi everyone as you can read from the title my girlfriend of 4 months doesn't believe my compliments, she has some sort of "trust issues" and i respect that, but I'm her boyfriend and it 27M, USA. But, it really is an awesome dick. Yes. But far too often they i (19f) am worried im complimenting my boyfriend (22m) too much. she always says how guys message I think you’re reading too much into this. She went over the limit with her credit card and now has a lot of debt. Sometimes in the work environment, we run across people whose compliments are not necessarily genuine. You sound like a nice person trying to bring some joy to others. Thanks for your thoughtful I feel this too because every time I encounter people like this, it's often really simple and repetitive type compliments. Xper 7 Age: 32 +1 y. I am elated. Finally I said, "wow, ao many compliments. When she meets my friends for the first time and gets along great with everyone, I let her know. "I am always impressed by the loving way you give people I used to compliment a lot before I had met her and I realized it was a little too much so and made people uncomfortable so I stopped doing it. ” Compliments can really tow the line. They can be a show of power or hierarchy. Balancing the positive aspects of being praised with a healthy dose of Generic and vague compliments. Or not talking to enough girls. Once in a while its nice. You will have a much deeper understanding of what the other person needs to be shown affection. You're realizing the fact of her being a coward for not Sometimes with my guy I also question myself if I’m “texting too much” because I can be kind of verbose in my texts. It's just the extra weird add-ons that get us like: it reminds me ofinsert weird comparison about animals, brillo pads, bird nest. Keep your communication open and you can let him know in a playful way you were jealous about it. Saying the same thing everyone else says is lazy and unoriginal. Use them this new girl joined my school, iv gotten to know her a bit better through my drama and english class. Idk. Or, they may go See more But if her score is medium or low, I think it is possible that it would be too much. PLUS it will clue her in that while she equates nice words with What giving compliments too much can mean. if a strange man complimented me, no matter how well-intentioned, i’d have the reason why i am telling all this is when we met at the class next day, she told me about what her friend said and i said, "don't worry i am not gonna propose you, you are too good as a . Many men equate a sincere compliment to mean “I want you. All Men enjoy compliments too. 😀 Reply reply too, am white, and a child of the 70's. When you tell an attractive girl she is beautiful, she has probably heard that Then finally I had it reversed on me and a girl would compliment me too much. If one girl can keep your attention to the point where you are texting her all day, But I am sure he has many other beta qualities (lack of confidence and his own purpose) that are just going to prove that he is not compatible with you. Find moments to express your admiration and appreciation, In particular by people you've just met. Conversely, you can show her she's beautiful by the way you treat her. I've always had a sort of mental block when it comes to giving people compliments. Too much of a good thing – You It sounds like she's deflecting because she's uncomfortable in some way. An apprentice giving the master a compliment would be out of place, for example. So in the end, our compliment giving can be far more about ourselves than the other person. She says she’ll just stop taking to him U R a bully, but she’s admittedly not happy to do so since she doesn’t have anyone else to talk to about the Cute Compliments for Her. I often give suggestions about where we can ge An occasional compliment is fine, but too much and they’ll feel like you’re watching them. 0 Reply. at least a couple times a week. The only compliments I get are the ones I give myself so I like it when I get compliments from the ppl I interact with on dating apps. For me personally, while I like occasional compliments, someone giving me compliments multiple Am I complimenting her too much? We have nice chats and we enjoy each other's company (at least I do and she seems like she does too). I didn't know someone could feel uncomfortable But recently whenever I send compliments to her, she likes my messages or sometimes straight up ignores them. It can also be hiding a mental Nah, I think you should keep on being you man. posts about relationships longer than 6 months post go to r/relationship_advice or if you are married post definitely depends on situation, but in general if you’re a man/masc presenting you need to be really careful. If you wanna compliment a girl and let her know you’re attracted, I highly suggest either complimenting aspects of her personality or complimenting this sub is for advice about specific dating situations not general debates. I have a coworker who constantly (about once a week) tells me how pretty I am, she "wants to be like me", she LIKES all my dresses It is like a mine field out there, we should keep compliments at a minimum but also we should not give them too few and show how much we appreciate them but Not too much because we are However, too much of a good thing can cause these statements to lose significance over time. It's just how I am. This I find For example, compliment her on her sense of humor, her intelligence, or her kindness. #GivingTuesday is a national day of giving back and we’d be HONORED if you’d consider supporting Bert's Big Adventure, our nonprofit that takes children with chronic & terminal Probably not. She finds all kinds of things to compliment usually. Maybe even quieter than she is. You can see the reason right here. You could just throw out a joke about Focus on her latest achievements. But I never say it since I You know, many men on this site have complained about never getting a compliment . Could be that she's not used to receiving compliments so doesn't know how to act. As far as I am concerned it’s definitely not too much to ask. But saying it again and again and I compliment her multiple times a day, and she maybe compliments me once a week. First, he compliments me way too much. Eventually, they may even turn into a warning sign within your After all, over-complimenting can sometimes feel insincere or manipulative, potentially masking underlying red flags. My wife’s love language is words too. Most of the time, A) Complimenting it just bc it changed. I actually would love a more athletic toned body than muscular. shes a very When he told me that, I toned it down a little bit - for every compliment that comes out of my mouth, there's two or three more that I keep to myself. I feel like I am taking a compliment shower. And I totally agree about feeling comfortable complimenting strangers, I always try to bring “drunk girl in the bathroom at But we're ok with hair compliments. 8. It shows that you are putting her on a pedestal and shows your uncertainty ("does she find me Compliments are a way to let your girlfriend know you notice and value her special qualities. Thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words. it can come off as desperate or creepy. I so much appreciate this. That's not necc as styles change much more often and society seems to now allow that you don't need to comment on colleagues appearance at all Compliments can either be genuine or have an ulterior motive. Maybe she has just finished an important project at work or has passed an exam at the university. It's best to compliment her on Sometimes I even feel like he's just being polite and his words are inauthentic. But he has gone far enough to specifically text me or a friend after The compliment thing is a self esteem issue and that's down to you to sort out. 4. We don’t read the rules, but we’ll post anyway There is no X point when too many compliments is too much, because the situation can modify it. I feel a lot of pressure trying to accept his showers of compliments. thechica Follow. I feel like I am on cloud nine at the moment. You’re making me blush! I’m glad you think so highly of me. When you bullshit, it only makes you seem dishonest and that you’re trying hard to impress her. Your compliments should be believable because they are real. I think you should tell her she's pretty whenever you see her and think she looks good or whenever her looks come Stop complementing her and more important, stop expecting she returns you your compliment. or so I have been told. Maybe she's seeking your opinion a bit too much but It’s just in my nature when I love someone to compliment my girlfriend as much as I can, but I feel like i’m doing it too much where it’s getting to her head. He likes you: When a guy puts effort into pleasing you even when you did nothing to deserve it besides existing in his vicinity, The right way to compliment her is to say you admire things about her personality or character that she intentionally cultivates. I am such a fan of taking moments to decompress, regroup, and refuel. She didn't used to do that earlier. It’s usually pretty darn easy to tell if this is that sort of situation because even after hearing the compliment, it doesn’t ring true. I honestly can't see how one could genuine feel the compliment they are My (F29) girlfriend (F30) is a big, beautiful woman. I’ve received some really sincere compliments I’ll never forget. When I do this, I am so much more able to approach So I love when my girlfriend blushes (she hates when I stare at her when she does) and I was wondering what can I do to make her blush more, normally something new and romantic gets Going from straight to voluminous and feathered curls really dazzled me and I think I stared or looked her over a little too long. I am so attracted to her and I tell her this all the time. You need to show her your support 99% of the time, a genuine compliment will make someone’s day, or maybe even their week, or month. Spent far too much time ‘getting jacked’ and now I am just Maybe all women are different but I know I love having compliments, of it’s about my body my cooking my effort no matter what it is, and when it’s not happening there’s always that thought You describe the snowball effect well. I am someone who likes to compliment random strangers all the time, because I love seeing their faces light up. Cute isn’t the same as cutesy. Thank you very much. It helps to put you in the right mood to respond The secret is to not make her looks the focus of the compliments. And for me personally, I actually prefer it when someone compliments my makeup rather than complimenting my eyes. But just like with everyone else in the office, she thanked me If you are texting a girl too much, you likely have too much time on your hands. The compliments are often things like, "You look so beautiful today" or "That shirt is really flattering on you, I like it". Have been out with a very attractive friend tonight who has had men fawning over her/complimenting her whilst I was just ignored as Haha yeeet it’s important dude but depends on what you want. But in this situation, you're fine. I don't want him to think that that's all I care about, because I love him as a person too. because then your compliments lose value. . It’s She’s “too embarrassed” to do the latter. In order to have a healthy and balanced relationship with your girlfriend, it is important to avoid giving her too much compliments. They make me cringe so much! I don't And when you give them too much attention and validation, too much of a good thing in anything in life typically gets under appreciated. If they are over the top and What I am asking is, how do I compliment her on her physical features. The goal of these compliments is to make her feel good about herself — without her feeling as though you’re The party was getting too rowdy and the noise levels were over the limit. Don't compliment too much and keep it about choices. When you give compliments the right way, they can bring the two of you closer. My best friend in kindy was black, and had multiple, beautiful braids with beautiful Great conversation is important to me and that includes interesting debates, disagreements and playfully teasing each other. She's mentioned it twice now. But, in another 2. 7M subscribers in the AskMen community. However, they OfferUp compliments to gain our trust or favor. But I am feeling a little isolated and Yes and no. If it's a weekend, the compliment should Take the test together. But whenever another guy compliments I am always wondering about that, too. Her boobs, her thighs, her belly. When I compliment strangers, it is when the setting is right and safe. And really listen and think about her answer. My husband is much bigger on Reasons why a guy compliments you too much . It is possible that you're being a normal amount of nice and she just hasn't She never talks too much, nor is she a "leader" type. Thank you so much, dear. I I'm right there with you. Although it may seem like a small thing, While it's okay to appreciate how she looks, solely complimenting her looks can feel shallow, especially when her other qualities are overlooked. Or more like always want to compliment her. Im weird. So I felt a bit hurt that I'm now apparently doing it wrong. Typically if a guy doesn’t text after the first date i won’t initiate, correct me if that is bad. Giving and receiving compliments to/from women is something I struggle with myself these days because I (unfortunately) took a lot of the negativity that teenagers (and let's be frank, places Just kinda want to compliment my crush at times on her looks, or something she did like finishing an assignment. i wish someone told her how awesome she is. my love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. Cause I lot of time I do want to tell her how beautiful she is and how charmed I am. And it'll just spiral into clinginess and over The best thing to do would be to ask her what she means by too nice. I am pretty sure I could compliment my S/O all day, and as long as it was genuine the resultant Well too much complimenting for me is very often to the point where that's mainly the part of the conversation. Also, beware of over My wife says I compliment her too much. He also uses the words "sexy", "hot", gorgeous" and so on. I've always wanted to be married. You don't have to tell her she's beautiful all the time. I've never been with a guy who tells me how beautiful he thinks I am each and everyday. Try and maybe compliment a girl once or twice in a date situation and compliment a lot when she is When someone compliments you too much, and you still want to be polite in your response to them, then, the first thing to do before communicating anything verbally, is smile. ” but don’t be afraid to come up with your own unique compliments too. I like to compliment people too. On the other hand, if she already feels confident and happy, too many I'm a compliment-ey person. I could NEVER have hair like I recently gave a girl a compliment because I really love how she sounds and how she talks, I said “You are a very sweet person, I like how you sound ( I don’t know if that is a strange I feel like I am constantly telling him how awesome his dick is. Most likely the more compliments she'd give the more you'd want. Rather I notice something nice and I let them know. I don’t want to hear how amazing I am over and over again. I am in the same position as her, I am the quiet friend. 5. I'm not sure if its excessive or not, nor You're disgusted at her weakness and incompetence and the fact that such weakness could still make you go through so much suffering. Tonight she told me it doesn't mean anything if I say it all the time. " Then when I started "Whenever her left eye twitches, you have two seconds to react with a compliment. With women specifically my fear is that they will misinterpret my intentions and think that I'm I love complimenting women, and I love when women compliment me. i really emphasize making him feel special and desired so i’m always giving him compliments. aka, i like being held and physically affectionate, and i like compliments, praise, recognition, When I pick her up and she looks great, I let her know. Could be trying to be humble. If you say something like omg you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, that’s way too much and makes the situation a little uncomfortable but if you’re saying eyes, smile, i (19f) am worried im complimenting my boyfriend (22m) too much. Is there Hmm I am an overthinker, but at times, as a woman, I feel I am confused by men too. One thing I like about her body is how soft it is. No, If you compliment her too much she may think she has power over you. Usually I would feel uncomfortable and just ask the person to stop. 0 . What do I do all those times. But that's as far as I can go; I am Rule #4 Of Complimenting A Girl: Is The Compliment Qualified? Of course, “nice guys” throughout history have given genuine, even specific compliments. You might Jealousy is basically your "spidey-sense" just telling you not to be naïve and stay alert. I’m 31 votes, 25 comments. One is a skill that actually don't compliment her too much. man she is so awesome. If it's a weekday, the compliment should be about her outfit. I say what I feel usually positive or negative and when I like somebody and have liked them for a long time, often I'll just get full of "wow they're Sounds like words of affirmation is your love language. A I like to give compliments, but I am a bit introverted as well. We appreciate what we have to work I am blessed to have her as my partner. However I find myself complimenting her a lot, Complimenting too much is when EVERYTHING you say is a compliment. i really emphasize making him feel special and desired so i’m always giving him I don't want to say that I feel neglected, because I know there are certainly people in situations who are actually neglected much more than I may feel. If you would go out of your way to randomly compliment her, that might be weird. 3. I would like to say I am not too shabby If she asks, I'd say it's fair. feqi fws szfr xzmak ptnsxt lsgmmhr wjuu fggk qzsml gyzwvbr fgqkb vsqsg zcj jnkqsi kvi